r/CatholicMemes has a gamer moment.

101  2019-07-25 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. r/CatholicMemes has a gamer moment. - archive.org, archive.today

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The only people who can take Catholicism seriously are people who weren't raised Catholic, change my mind

You’re absolutely right. But there is a reason Catholics are historically anti Semitic it does say that shit right in the Bible lol

I thought being against Jews was from having to deal with them in any personal capacity.

Honestly I don’t know. I would have to ask my brother who went to a Dominican school

They dislike Jews because they killed Jesus. Catholics barely read the Bible.

Imagine taking our current pope seriously lmao

Nah JPII said the Jews are cool

He also was fagay

Any pape after vatican II was an imposter.

Bring back latin !

sedevacantists get out REEEEEEE

but yes bring back the latin

sedevacantists get out REEEEEEE

I can't read your shit as I am too busy looking at god, you human worshipper scum.

fucking edgy heretic, when’s your next sspx snorefest of a mass

👏🏻 it’s 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 catholic 👏🏻mass 👏🏻 without👏🏻 electric 👏🏻 guitars👏🏻

👏🏻 it’s 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 catholic 👏🏻mass 👏🏻 without👏🏻 electric 👏🏻 guitars👏🏻

Pius X didn't die for this, modernist scum !

God speaks latin for some reason

Because god literally lived under latin rule. Read the fucking bible, faggot.

[laughs in Roman]

Well, Evangelicals love the shit of them jews and they tend to read the bible, sometimes take it literally too.

Yeah but that’s because they think Jews are necessary for the second coming. They love Jews, but they still think the Jews are gonna go to hell.


Christians gotta accelerate the jews descent to their well deserved eternity in hell, this is the basis for a lasting friendship

The Evangelicals love the Jews because they think that the Jews controlling the Temple of Solomon is important for the second coming of jesus, when all the people they hate will die fiery deaths

The Italians killed Jesus.

pasta nigs killed Jesus and we blame the kikes for it

Pilot was a (((Hellene)))

Italians and jews are both loud, annoying, complain, have big noses, olive skin and mostly live in new york or Mediterranean countries, tried to rule the world, and killed jesus.

Essentially the same, cmv


Explains why Ireland hates Israel more than you’d expect tbh.

That's not why

It's because the Irish are the Palestinians of Europe

Ireland is one of the only places in the entire world that has a population lower than it did in the 19th century. What the British did to Ireland really needs to be classified with the Holodomor. It was a deliberate artificial famine. Except unlike the Holodomor, it’s actually real, and the regime was pro rather than anti-kulak.

No it wasnt. There was potato blight which still exists to this day btw. Britain bought s ton of food, dropped protectionist laws, cost the party the election, bounties were offered for cures, relief societies set up all over the empire, a royal commission established to inveso why this one lasted so long, soup kitchens fed half the population, new crops and methods introduced.

Have sources? I love to be able to shut down whining with some facts to the teeth.

Anything in particular? You can't really shut it down since they were incompetent but it was the first time blight had arrived so they didn't know what to do. There is s quite good answer in ask historians about the fact they imported more than they exported and they exported horse food and stuff not suitable

Probably because the PLO and the IRA were terrorist buddies for years

PLO and the IRA


Refrigerator IQ

Intifadas and IRA bombings disagree

You say bombings, i say warm fire hugs. It’s subjective

Sean Bean (pronounced "Seen Been") played an IRA terrorist in Patriot Games. Jack Ryan kicked his ass.

Sean Bean is a cuck who plays roles where he gets beaten in one way or the other, classic imperial propaganda tactics to cast him as an IRA when they had Liam “the black bastard batterer” Neeson as an obvious Chad for the role.

Liam Neeson plays "Irish guy living in America" roles. Sean Bean's character was an Irish guy visiting America. Big difference.

We just need a breakout role of “Irish guy coming on a student visa” to complete the immigration trifecta.

Liam Neeson is "Frank McCourt" in Angela's Ashes 2: 'Tis.

Watch as the ageless Neeson plays teenager Frank MCourt, an uneducated, stupidly ignorant Irishman, who flees poverty and despair for a better life in the United States. Witness as he unshackles his feeble Irish mind to proudly become a high school teacher, a title held in high prestige back home in Ireland.

Has Liam Neeson ever heard of the word “no”? Brother you don’t need to dive in every role that gets thrown at you. I wish he’d stuck to roles where his talent was better utilized, shindler’s list was a masterpiece.

The Pharisees who are constantly shat on in the new testament for being obsessive anal rule followers, are basically the ancestors of Rabbianic Judaism, or what we usually just call “Judaism” today because the Romans killed all the rest.

Modern Christians for whatever reason like to think that they’re Judaism+, like Judaism with an add on pack. But they don’t follow or recongnize the oral law, the Talmud, that is central to Jewish life. The fact is that religious practices change over 2000 years, Jews are almost an entirely different people from those guys, and they practice an almost entirely different religion. So do Christians. So do Muslims. So do hindus and buddhists.

Or people who were raised as cafeteria Catholics.

Based and Thomas Merton-pilled

Yeah because if you start looking at Catholicism more closely it stops making sense. Too many rules and pointless dogma. The Prot sects that focus on the feel-good relational parts of Christianity know how to keep people going to church.

yeah speaking in tongues while holding live copperheads is totally smart and cool and sensible

the vast majority of prot denominations in the us are straight up retarded compared to the rcc

Well yeah most Prots are crazy. But on the other hand Catholic mass is boring af

Yeah but they have a fucking organ toot toot

They never use it for fun songs tho. It's easy to confuse a normal mass with a funeral mass. Catholics need more percussion in their songs.

idk man gloria in excelsis deo is a banger at my parish, doris goes hard on the organ

Unironically visit a black Catholic mass in New Orleans, those things are 🔥

Sounds fun. My local parish is mostly upper class mayos so it's about as boring as a mass can get. It was so bad I would volunteer to altar serve just to have something to do.


Being a foid saved me from experiencing it

Go to a mosque, if you’re too mayo to go to a mosque then go to a greek orthodox church, those chirches are colourful AF and have lots of drawings and their hymns are exquisite, protestant churches are very bland.

if ur 2 pussy 2 hold a snake then ur gay

imagine not being gay in current year


if u wont hold my solid snake, u gay.

Protestants threw away a thousand years of religious tradition, and then proceeded to make a bunch of shit up threw autistic out of context readings of the bible, which was literally their only source of religion now that they’d decided to completely discard tradition and the oral law Christians had taught each other for millenia. Protestant church can be so bizarre, like of course everyone has their bible and everyone has to make a big display of opening it to the correct section that the preacher told them to turn it to and put it on their lap. Of course, not a single one of them reads it. The pastor proceeds to ramble on endlessly on some barely connected point, usually just some random angry shit that’’s been grinding their gears. I swear they just open up a random page, read like one verse out of context, and make up some bullshit in about 30 seconds.

Once the pastor is done with their boomer rant everyone of course folds up those bibles that they hadn’t read. Not like they would actually understand it if they did. What idiot literally tries to read basically 2000 year old proto-history without taking a single glance at the scholarship on the subject or utilizing any footnotes, protestants that’s who. Like imagine trying to read Herodotus without footnotes or commentary, it would be like reading Japanese. OK why the fuck did he suddenly start talking about the Scythi-who for 100 pages? Wasn’t this supposed to be about the Persian wars?

But God talks to you through your bible, it doesn’t matter, just wing it. My pastor pulled some random quote out of context that seems to support his point, so basically it’s like God is backing him up too. To 99% of them though, the bible is a prop, it’s not a book. They’ve got to go once a week and make a big show about how they just love that bible they don’t read and wouldn’t understand a single word of if they did, every single word is true. They abosrb it straight through their lap, then sing some really bad Christian rock, cast that vote for the most ignorant, violent, greedy, hateful, and generally evil person they can, and it’s alright because God told them too.

Christians worship a God of forgiveness because they want permission to sin and spread evil, God will just forgive them after all. Not for a single second do they think about anyone besides themselves, the more Christian a person is, the more barbaric, violent, selfish, greedy, and evil they are in general. That’s virtually always been my experience my entire life, growing up in Mississippi you learn to keep your distance when God is the first thing out of a persons mouth, that guy will still the shirt off your back.



Madam this is a Wendy's...

This needs to be a longpostbot quote.

I'm not going to lie bro. I just saved this for copypasta purposes.

I went to a catholic high school and anyone who took Catholicism even mildly seriously was made fun of horribly. Honestly they kinda deserved and I knowingly participated because holy shit were they annoying lol, they were rudest motherfuckers and they didn’t care because the faculty of the school rewarded them for it

My high school was pretty similar, only most of the Catholics were basically Catholic because that's how they were raised and pretty much everyone was liberal. No one liked the nutjob Catholics who said the "divine right of kings" was a good idea.

Because they were largely unmolested

Pretty accurate


Based and Papistpilled

Lots of hot takes in there

8aiter 8 points 20 days ago

Christians are far more inclusive than Jews. Jews are as accepted as they deserve to be.

Nice bait

G9 B9, M9


This is bullshit, any good Papist knows we don't have to read the Bible

It was a big mistake to translate it to the peasant tongues

Lol why tf do so many jewish people browse r-catholicmemes ??

they do?

I mean, if you look at some of the accusations in that thread, they are definitely jewish people, not catholics.

it’s probably linked in ahs or something. The sub is normally way less “political” but it was linked in r/nicker_nation so you have a lot of very intelligent and pragmatic retards ITT

todays jews are talmudic or rabbidical jews, not OT

Today's Jews aren't real Jews so they don't share any values with us, but they totally killed Jesus.

Judeo Christian

LOL, talmudic Jews. That’s the most christian thing I’ve ever heard. As if there was ever a period in time when Jews did not pass down oral law among one another. Christians were fucking gentile and nobody told them any oral law or whatever, so it doesn’t real and God wrote the new testament.

it is true that modern Jews evolved out of a sect that was particularly anal about following these little rules. The main other sect of the time were temple Jews, obviously they didn’t have much of a religion left when the Romans literally smashed their temple and took their God that they stole (the ark of the covenant) on a triumph through the streets of Rome, along with a bunch of Jewish pows who were executed afterward.

But the anal rule followers, they still had something. They’d have a religion no matter what, no matter where. All they gotta do, is follow those anal rules, no temple, no problem.

To call the Temple Jews “real OT Jews” in comparison to the pharisees is retarded anyway. The Temple Jews were the upper class, the state funded priests in society. They all spoke Greek and wanted to be good little Romans, and one of the things Romans did was follow stupid little local religions like slaughtering two sheep in front of their God in the temple the third full moon after their second daughters first menstruuation, and a thousand little dumb things like that. The Romans loved that, keep your Gods happy so they don’t wreck natural disasters or whatever by following these dumb rituals no one knows the meaning of anymore.

But yeah, cucked as they were, even they had oral law. They just would just do that shit in public and for show, unlike the pharisees who would remember ever oral law three times over and never deviate from it for their entire life.

The Rabinnical Pharisees Jews are almost a completely different religion these days than the the misremembered inbred sheep herders mentioned in the old testament, yeah. But Christianity is even dumber and more disconnected from itself. Christians would’ve been better to just stay pagan, they threw away all their traditions, all their oral laws and have spent two millenial trying to make new ones up to replace what was lost.

All the while the based Pharisees are designing awesome shit like a device that’s constantly pressing itself, and that you touch to unpress, so you’re not really pressing a button, and thus you can use it on Sabbath. Checkmate, God. This is what Jews were born to do, to come up with stupid rules and then find bullshit loopholes in them and outsmart God himself. All while Christians just pretend to cry over some dude woh’s only real accomplishment in life was getting crucified. The ancestors of the Jews are looking down upon them with smiles on their faces. When Caesar looks down on the progeny of his civilization, all he feels is shame.

Thank you watermark, very cool.

Whoa, I got watermark to break character and seriouspost.

I deserve a treat today.

Damn, all they had to do was follow the damn Shahada!

I don't understand what any of this means. Fucking mayo religions and their minute differences that they expect everyone to know and care about.


This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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Greatest Hits I Found:

> 6 gorrilion isn't actually that many anyway...

> no swearing, this is a christian server.jpg

> stonetoss comics

> “Judeo Christian” was made up by heretical smear merchants who hate whites and Christians

> They[jews] don’t please God, and they are hostile to the entire human race

> “Judeo-Christian is a term used by neoconservatives (who are mostly Jewish) to try and act like Jews had a fundamental role in creating western civilization when in reality they’re the ones destroying it.


I know that the Jews don’t control the world, a Jewish run world would be far more competently governed and run that what we have today.

Can you imagine the lingua Franca being fucking hebrew though? That language sounds like a throat cancer patient gargling hyrdochloric acid.

Many Catholics on reddit are radical traditionalists who hate vatican 2. Most of those people lean gamer-semitic.

the only correct take on vatican ii is the radical centrist take of recognizing that it was legitimate but still having some gripes with the modernism that followed

sedes and commies-in-collars jesuit types like fr james martin are both retarded


based and hide-those-ankles-woman-pilled

Look at r/Catholicism. It's a cesspool of hatred disguised into "we love everyone" bullshit

Every proselytizing religion has the same old horseshit script when they’re trying to pull you in. Christians were like telemarketers before telemarketing was a thing, literally just walk up to a stranger and babble to them about some bullshit hoping their stupid enough to buy into your cult. And maybe like 1% of them are that stupid, but if you keep on doing it for 500 years, bam, you’ve completely destroyed Roman civilization and are now eating shit. Success.

Sedevacanists fucking hate Pope Francis let me tell you thanksgiving is a fun time and incredibly easy to bait


Should we tell them what religion Jesus belonged to.


Inshallah brother

Islamic Jesus was way cooler, he was like “Fuck this cross”. Imagine worshipping a God that somehow lost to two pieces of wood nailed together. Hercules went through seven trials, and lived through all of them, and he wasn’t even really a God but he’s already clearly in another league that this Christ dude.

Islamic Jesus levitated and never died an earthly death, he’ll come back on the day of judgement, assemble an army, kill the antichrist, and then when the false Christians run up to him and worship him, he will disown them and point to the real God.

Name me a person who’s more of an absolute chad.

Hercules was a demigod, imagine if Joseph hated Jesus and tried to kill him, son of nazareth would never


tbh the only reason the term "Judeo-Christian" is used is so Republicans can shit on atheists and Muslims without losing their Israel points. I don't know a single Jewish person who likes that term.

Someone ELI5 all this mayo nonsense.

Real talk. r/Catholicism is one of the most disgusting subs I've seen. I was into Catholicism when I was young and I wanted to become Catholic. One of the reasons I decided not to was the sheer amount of vile hatred that people show you if you don't subscribe to some element of the Groupthink. If you mention something about contraception, homosexuality, living with your girlfriend or partner you will be shat on hard. And r/Catholicism while pretend to be acceptable of everyone, they are the biggest bigots I ever witnesses on Reddit. I am not like straight up joking, I know we have subs where we make jokes about being gay or whatever, but we know that in reality people don't mean it. At least in case of /r/Drama. Just to make you realize how unpleasant people are on r/Catholicism, if /r/Drama was a religion I would be MUCH more comfortable to be following /r/Drama's religion than r/Catholicism's.

I saw people posting and asking for advices for various things on the sub. One woman posted how she was Catholic and she was married and had 5 kids and wanted to use contraception because they coudn't handle any more kids. People shay so hard on her. In another post people were telling suicidal homosexual all the wrong things. The list goes on into abyss tbh

sounds pretty baste to me

Followers of a religion follow the religion

This must be a world-record for the longest Truism in comment form


Judeo-Bolshevism > Judeo-Christianity

Change my mind

Why are they so made Jews killed Jesus, isn't that what they cum in their pants about the most? Shouldn't they be thanking the jews?

Lmao imagine thinking catholics are actually christian. Jesus isnt even at the top of the roster of saints they pray to.

Also imagine thinking you have any ground to stand on when your main export is pedophiles.

Mediocre b8

Not bait, just stating facts.
