Gender-critical feminists cry tears of joy when they learn male fetuses are more likely to die

151  2019-07-25 by BriefSquirt


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Evolution knows that females are more valuable than males. Baby girls are stronger and are able to survive tough times (and parental neglect!) better than boys.

If girls are evolutionarily more valuable, why are they (according to femcels) neglected by their parents?

If you were to personificate evolution the way these foids are trying to it would be the most misogynistic fucker that ever lived. The first words out of its mouth be "Your already 35 and you still don't have kids? The fuck did I make these ovaries for if you weren't going to use them? Go neck yourself you evolutionary failure."

Evolution favors girls surviving pregnancy because a low number of males are able to pump and dump many females. Nature absolutely doesn't give a fuck if women have a good time, it just wants them to be life sacks for more babies.

whoa whoa whoa that's a #sexist hate fact.

Nature inherently tries to provide us with more gussy and the femcels think it makes them special

it never even started....

based and redpilled

She means that in a case where both a boy and a girl were neglected the female baby would have better chances to survive, so fucking obviously.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Gender-critical feminists cry tears... -,,

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Thats a social construct

That's not due to genetics though, just socio economic factors.

The even more hilarious thing here is that the fact of more boys being born than girls has been mathematically studied for literally hundreds of years by guys like Bernoulli and Laplace, who used that exact thing as a test case for their statistical methods.

So yes, even if we believe your mother that high risk pregnancies favor baby girls (which I'm too lazy to look up), there's still some other factors that make it so that baby boys are favored anyway. Also, maybe she was just lying because she wanted you to feel better about your obesity, which has about a million health risks to both you and your baby.

obesity, smoking, drinking, take your pick

Don't Y sperms swim quicker or some shit? I'm pretty sure there's like a 1.10:1 birth rate for males to females.

Just that moids can't handle life as well so women survive longer and even out the stats.

so are the male sexed embryos protected if they'd identify as female later in life then


They are happy about women losing their baby because its male?

I've never seen women aside from feminist celebrate kids dying.

Theres a highly upvoted post deep in the archives of r/gc that explores the idea of keeping men as slaves and strictly for breeding purposes and aborting 2/3rds of Male babies. I'll see if I can find it but it's been a long time

Almost as hot as Houston, Houston, Do You Read? or that nip manga about heavy blond women using skinny nip men as furniture

GC femcels are equally as insane and hateful as their incel counterparts. I think it's just that their brains are more resistant to autism so they generally know how to conceal their unacceptable social views better. Also they are physically weaker and less tactically capable than me so they aren't able to properly channel their murderous rage like males can. But deep down they are all the same and in a perfect world would be paired up with each other.

Any luck finding said post?

I looked for it. I'm pretty sure last time it was posted here it got deleted by their mods because I cant find it now

There's actually a lot of posts like this. Any thread with a title like "what's your dream radical feminist world" will have at least one answer like this.



Literally the Handmaids tale in reverse

The western white woman is the most privileged being on the planet

You must not have met my cats 😎😂💯👌🏿

Oys (off yourself)


Its okay because I didnt say k*s

Evidently not.


Post pics

Okay but you better not say anything mean about my cats

Here’s all 4 getting as close to the ac as possible

Here’s a close up of the two fat ones

Yes good

Thank you 😈

Aw man, I love cats.

Mine are the best

those are good kitties. much more valuable than white w*men

Thank you but their grandmother and aunt are white women and I don’t think they’d like that comment


windowed case PC



gamers raus

gotta have everything for the ladies bro

sometimes i'll bring home a bad bitch that wants to see PUBG in 120fps on a large 1440p monitor and sometimes i'll bring home little girls that wanna see my outfitted pikachu on let's go pikachu on the switch

and then sometimes i'll bring home a fag that likes xbox

This is why I only own a Switch.

Pedophile smh

Absolutely gamerpilled

This is peak meta-Reddit lol.

Cute cats though.

The cutest

imagine the hairs

it's fucking bad

long haired cats

all that temp sensitive hardware

You're a brave one

The black one on the floor has an eye infection

no they're so oppressed how could you being 'norant you cis scum wahmen are struggling everywhere equally

Right after white “woman” who used to be a man

Trannies actually do have it hard, like most severely mentally ill people. The occasional virtue signaling megacorp tweet or commercial and some doormat supplicants on twitter don’t make up for the overwhelming majority of people being completely repulsed by you.

White women have the benefit of institutional promotion/pandering AND being seen as the most attractive group by most people.

What about a pit bull. Can anything else get sympathy for mauling a baby in a crib?

I need to find my super disturbing picture of this...

Here it is: this is ultra disturbing don't click if you're an inverted leftist Asian with 3 eyes and 17 fingers.


Can anything else get sympathy for mauling a baby in a crib?

A western white woman can mutilate a baby in her own womb and have half the idiots in this country celebrate her beautiful act of choice.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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Evolution knows

Anyone who every unironically says evolution knows knows anything is a literal retard.

Baby girls are stronger and are able to survive tough times


Women's fat is laid out differently so we're better able to survive famine

Right up until a hungry man over powers and eats you

I unironically support Soylent Green

not eating Soylent Yellow.

Incel detected.

evolution and science are r/atheism posters and agree that #metoo is important and abortion is good so fuck off incel

So this is saying that humanity evolved for man to have multiple wives?

Take the Muslim pill and move to Saudi Arabia. You can get 4 wives.

You can do it in Idaho too. And you don't have to live in a shithole.



Are you confusing Idaho with Utah?

I said you don't have to live in a shithole. So no

If you think Utah is a shithole, then you my friend are a moron.

If you think I said Utah was a shithole, you're an idiot. Learn to read. At what point did I even suggest that? The implication was that Mormon Utah has all the religiously sanctioned polygamy you could want, without the 3rd world shitholery of Saudi Arabia. Would you happen to be Mormon? Why are you immediately defensive?

I moved to Utah 5 years ago, it's the best place I've ever lived.

So that's a yes, then?

If you think Utah isn't a shithole, the you my friend are a Mormon.

Or an outdoorsman.

In the "Destiny's crucible" world women outnumber men significantly and mormonistic unions are common.

western harem isekai

Would that the nerds and weebs had but one neck!


Her full slide reads "Nature favours the girl child. Nature prefers the girl child. Nature celebrates the girl child. Then why don't we?"]

So "feminism is just about equality" foids say the answer is to literally favor girls.

Maybe if they stopped celebrating male infancy mortality rates they could celebrate women instead like literally every single man ever has in existence but alright

Then why don't we

Celebrating foids 🤢


Lol u dumb moid. This is GC. Their feminism is about giving more power to women. They make fun of libs for caring about equality.

I am pregnant now, and I frequently think that the egg used to produced this baby was once in my mother. That is amazing.

More like disgusting. Also larping as pregnant lmao

kinkshaming recursive pregnancy


I bet I could beat every single one of them in a fight and I bet i make more in a month than most of them make in 3

This reminds me of how on the show "Naked and Afraid" women have an insanely higher survival rate, and it's ALWAYS been a female, never a male, to hold the records for "longest time spent alone" and all of that. As much as men love to brag about their "physical prowess" (which I am happy to acknowledge the biological truth that they have more physical strength than us) when it comes down to the ULTIMATE measure of physicality- the ability to survive- women take the cake for sure. No contest

Bulletproof logic right here.

Wow a white woman comparing real life to a TV show, that's a new one.


A quick google search proves that incorrect. Dumb as fuck

I remember there was this show about two groups, one all male, the other female, who were dropped on separate islands. Group members were from similar stations in life; both sides had white and blue collar workers.

The guys were up and running in no time. They had water, shelter, food, fire, and even began fishing. They were cooperating and just having a good ol time.

The women had to ask the producers to get them water, food, and matches. They were constantly fighting and had all sorts of drama from pretty much the first minute.

I wish I remembered the name of the show, it was hilarious.

Yes this was it. Watched it with /tv/ forever ago

I would love to see the gc take on this

No one tell them that nature already accounts for that and creates more male foetuses so the sex ratio at birth is still 1.05 in favor of boys.

Oh and billionaires have more sons, 60%, talk about male privilege!

“Evolution knows that females are more valuable than males. Baby girls are stronger and are able to survive tough times (and parental neglect!) better than boys. Boys are more likely to die from SIDs, males have weaker immune systems (kind of a double edged sword there thanks to all the auto immune disorders women are more prone to). Women's fat is laid out differently so we're better able to survive famine. And, anecdotally, women seem to recover better/survive strokes more.”

But still pay for my welfare :))

Man, that’s is some shocking content, maybe that sub should be quarantined?

Nvm, reddit is too cucked and leftist

AQUINAS SPEAKING TO his other vain arrogant self worshipping self glorious CON men


Strictly speaking, woman is a monster of nature

“If it were not for some [divine] power that wanted the feminine sex to exist, the birth of a woman would be just another accident, such as that of other monsters [= a dog with two heads, a calf with five legs, etc.]”

and Darwin using all his so called male intellect persuaded himself the female was a totally different species to the male but then he thought it was the male who was the human?

but he got that totally wrong because we now know

the male is actually the product of an X Chromosome that got hijacked by some parasite that injected some of it's own material into it which caused the X Chromosome to mutate.

Aristotle using all his so called male wisdom decided the female was an inferior male, something like the male, but a deformity of one.. He also said anyone born with a deformity should be eliminated forthwith because it would be beneficial to men in their male utopia?

It's amazing how men can come up with these things isn't it?

Maybe somewhere deep inside their male psyche men know something is wrong

and is why for their entire male history men have fallen over themselves in their rush to disassociate themselves from the female human and tried to wipe her off the face of the earth and eliminate her from history

and of course men have not been able to achieve it

because men rely totally on women to incubate their male DNA and they have to use women's resources i.e. their bodies to grow it in

still men decided OK we can't eliminate all females

but hey

we can still have our fun and marginalise them all and corner and cage them in and rape and torture them for male sport

and I think that is what men actually love about their male selves!

So males may look similar to their reproductive hosts, but it maybe that is the only thing they have in common and males maybe just leeching off their female hosts for the sole purpose to create more of their male selves.

Copy pased just in case anyone needs further proof why bussy is superior

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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>burger women are "caged, raped and tortured for male sport"

What fantasy land does this foid live in


That sounds right to me. Men tell us that they love violence and refuse to stop. The solution is then to reduce their numbers. The easiest way to do that is to stop giving birth to them.

Malecels BTFO by stunning and brave sociopathic woman killing her own young

when it comes down to the ULTIMATE measure of physicality- the ability to survive- women take the cake for sure. No contest

imagine believing this lmao



I saw some beautiful feminist artwork once with a subtitle that spoke: “your mother developed her ova for you when she was in your grandmother’s womb”. Really affected/strengthened my connection to sisterhood..

"Your father could have spunked you into a hanky"

That comes from the same kind of people who celebrate abortion and consider an unborn child a parasite.


his reminds me of how on the show "Naked and Afraid" women have an insanely higher survival rate, and it's ALWAYS been a female, never a male, to hold the records for "longest time spent alone" and all of that. As much as men love to brag about their "physical prowess" (which I am happy to acknowledge the biological truth that they have more physical strength than us) when it comes down to the ULTIMATE measure of physicality- the ability to survive- women take the cake for sure. No contest

I guess she missed how the guys are usually taking care of the women who are whining like babies the whole time.

in a parellel universe females reign supreme

and in the actual universe foids are incompetent at literally everything

I love how the mod goes straight to calling everyone who disagrees an incel



avast the female incel
