MAGAtards think politics is just like their favorite movie

41  2019-07-25 by redditor99880


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Jews did this


  1. MAGAtards think politics is just li... -,

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I think Star Wars’s involvement in the culture war is fascinating. With Marvel, the right views every single movie as left-song propaganda, while the left (mostly) views it as empowering and enlightened, but with Star Wars, the right generally views the original movies as well-made, with some going as far as to say that the prequels expose the deep state (and that Disney bought the franchise to cover this up), but views the new movies as SJW propaganda, while the left tends to think the older movies are outdated but that the new ones are enlightened and empowering (ignoring the obvious social message of Finn, a black man, being rejected by Rey, a white woman, and settling down with Rose, an Asian woman).

Too much reading

I’ve found a short helpful video that should clear it all up

A little longer, but works better

Also that Finn and Rose fuck everything up by trusting an Arab.

Watch another movie.

Horseshoe theory confirmed yet again.

Horseshoe law*

I hope someone splashed mud on her mom jeans.


That guy is saying the "coup" would have been successful without them. Is he suggesting daddy is guilty?

After Barr takes these asshats to the woodshed, I want to see The President issue the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Nunes, Jordan, Meadows, and Gaetz. They deserve it--without them the coup would have been successful.

How I picture it



Imagine admiring Devin Nunes.

He pretty much was screaming "I'VE BEEN BOUGHT!"

I wonder if people here will ever realize that humans, in general, view the world through stories, which all tend to have the same archetypes.

hahahah you’re just like my favorite TV show character, Waylon Smithers.

Cuz ur gay