Madison, WI moves to ~kinda~ ban straws. Boomers rage in comments section over supposed loss of blessed straws and invasion of liberal babies. How will they use their Trump straws now? Welp, guess it's gonna be renamed Naziconsin bc no straws :(

20  2019-07-25 by aliceunknown


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Madison, WI moves to ~kinda~ ban st... -,

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You're 25. You're not old enough to make a god damn educated decision about Time Cube. If you're dumb, stupid and evil, you can learn from the lessons of Nature rather than accept deadly math:

1- Cubic Time is above 4e math.

2- Time Cube is the same everywhere. Same for

3- Time Cube is Omnificence (no God). Cubic math is proof.

Educated adults of Earth have no choice but to accept the truth of Time Cube.


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"The city of fruit loops is going to give out free string backpacks made from petro-chemicals containing PLASTIC water bottles covered in lawyer and health care logos to each sheep that doesn't use a plastic straw. Baaaa.. I'm a good Madisonian and I...... want..... my..... own... piss-and-whine bump in front of my house 'cause those evil mean bullies in those noisy evil cars have been driving on MY street and with all this noise there is no way I will be able to get on that gas guzzling airplane to fly off to my mid summer trust-fund baby vacation...... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Excellent titling skills, faggot OP.

Wow, you're a meanie pants, Dubbie Wubbie.

This whole straw thing is asinine.

I bet plastic straws account for .01% of plastic waste and pollution.

This whole straw thing is asinine.

I bet plastic straws account for .01% of plastic waste and pollution.

It is silly but my liberal mom and sister got those metal straws and they’re honestly pretty cool especially for drinking ice cold water when it’s hot out

How do you clean it out if you drink a milkshake or something and it dries out? Pipe cleaners or something?

Ya my mom bought a skinny brush that goes inside it

home waste accounts for some absurdly small percentage of the waste that ends up in ocean, it always has been and always will be industrial crap that's the problem

Is there anything more mayo than trying to solve a large problem by tackling .01% of the cause and repeatedly patting themselves in the head for it?

Gotta have that instant gratification.

Something like 80% of all the plastic pollution comes from 5 rivers across India Africa and China.


Its because they do extra damage to marine life if they end up in the ocean, But as long as you aren't straight dumping them into a local river you are good.

I think 6 pack holders do worse, straws have way way less impact on sea life than microplastics and plastic bags that dumb turtles mistake for jelly fish.

You're probably thinking they do extra damage to Marine life because you saw that one video of the turtle with one jammed up his nose.

Madison is what happens when rich white liberals want to live in a city.


You have to be a giant faggot to use straws to drink anything. Or, even worse, a w*man 🤢🤮
