It never even began for Manlets, even in fiction.

22  2019-07-25 by itsnotmyfault


womp womp


  1. It never even began for Manlets, ev... -,

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Most of my MCs tend to be that tall. Everyone else, it depends. Like, in my serialized novel I Hear the Bones Singing, it's:

Girl 5'1" Girl 5'11" Girl 5'4" Girl 5'0" Enby 5'6" Enby 6'6" Enby 6'0" Boy 5'10" Boy 4'11" Boy 5'6" Boy 5'2"

this book sounds amazing where can I pick up a copy

She walked in with a backpack made of blue duct-tape hung over one shoulder and a toddler balanced on her hip like she'd been doing it for years. A hulking guy in a brown muscle-shirt came in behind her, closing a lacy blue parasol. I figured the parasol was to block the blistering mid-May sun. Arizona summers were brutal, especially on little kids. The girl glided past my desk on killer knee-high boots and went to speak to one of the tired, sweaty counselors slumped at a computer beneath one of the blasting AC vents.

The girl glided past my desk on killer knee-high boots

agh god it hurts to read

Right?? Everyone knows the past tense of glide is glid.

Jesus christ. I’ve in better writing in high school classrooms.

Enby? Is that a weird phonetic spelling if non binary?
