Ehentai and exhentai are going to fucking die

90  2019-07-25 by TheColdTurtle



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  1. Ehentai and exhentai are going to f... -,

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Only reddit would have this kind of faggotry.





Been on this site for “halve” my life

Shutting down le waifu site=burning of Alexandria for hentai and anime culture

Oh no. No. No. No.

Shutting down le waifu site=burning of Alexandria for hentai and anime culture

This is unironically true. So many obscure crossdressing femboy doujins will be lost along with the Panda, like tears in rain.




There goes an hero, watch him as he goes.

There's actually a ton of artbook and non-hentai stuff on there, but yeah its really just the hentai people care about.

Thats like saying you read Playboys for the articles

A little known fact is that the Library of Alexandria was mostly full of hentai and obscure doujins before it was burned down

Wouldn’t surprise me at this point tbh.

Gonna have to get us some screenshots dude


Any idea what happened? Are they in financial trouble or are the fuzz after them?

Netherlands (where sadpanda's servers are hosted), apparently passed some law that starts treating loli/shota content the same way as real cp, so yeah.

its that or copyright, i've heard both

Tfw when the weebos realized "the Netherlands" was not referring to the libertarian body parts of an Loli


I'm caught in a bind here, those laws are seriously retarded, but it's also hilarious.

Some stupid law in the Netherlands about no loli hentai and stuff caused the Owners to quit, don’t understand why they can’t pass the touch to someone else instead of shutting down years of archived works.

oh fuck i got some filth to download

first kyoani burns down, then sadpanda dies

truly it is completely over for weebcels


The real twist would be if it turned out that nHentai was secretly behind all of its competitors closing down the whole time.

I know nhentai uses Ehentai as a source

Fakku would sue for copyright on that business practice.

Nhentai is garbage. It’s good to navigate but the fact users can’t upload means that a fuckton if good shit is missing

At least we have a backup for those failed to download their collection on time. Sadly all the western and non-h aren't there.

Is the weebocide finally commencing?

The weebmar republic will fall,giving rise to the weeaboo Reich. Really though,this is a fucking bitch move. Like OK fine you don’t want to host or own it,but why not give it to someone else. What can I actually accomplish computer wise in 10 fucking hours. Like you couldn’t give us a couple months heads up.


Lmao, fuck them. Anyone who thought that putting out sadpanda was a good idea deserves to get fucked.

In all seriousness though, why the fuck are these websites not operating out of third world countries? Like every single other grey market has this shit figured out by now. Incorporate in the most backwards country you can find where porn is still technically legal, set up the servers in a country far outside of US jurisdiction, and don't fucking give away a single hint as to where any of the operators live.

That's what's going to happen most likely. A certain other degenerate website that me and a certain other infamous dramatard uses moved from Sweden, to Somalia, than finally to the Christmas Islands.

Does start with a K?


Start with a number?

Dunno but if they are anything like torrent sites. Then it just often recent law changes that make a difference.

The Netherlands are a third world country


good, fucking degenerates

It was obvious this was going to happen. Its guro and loli that is going to kill it. Policy makers arent dumb anymore, and the science says drawn/written stories are a gateway drug for irl action.

It happened very quick though

The studies don't say that at all. You're making the video games make you violent argument.

Studies/government agencies believe that terrorism can be caused by memes on the internet after christ church. Its a small step to say images also cause pedophilia


It's an even smaller step to say that you're an idiotic autismo.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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What studies? Also it doesn't make sense to me to treat it like it's own separate thing and not as a subset of porn, I'm pretty sure access to porn generally leads to a decrease in violent sex crimes.

Posting images and memes about right wing terrorism caused terrorism irl(christ church), and any crack down on content from EU is based on that

if it causes terrorism why wouldnt it also cause pedophilia


So it's literally just wishful thinking and agenda pushing.


>Implying it's a bad thing

503 error



t-thanks daiz




It’s gone. REEEEEEE fucking feminists.

