There are a bunch of ferral cats living on the outskirts of my farm. I got tired of burning their carcasses so i started making lil rugs out of them. I dont want to be a mod but look at my cats

87  2019-07-26 by charming_tatum


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. There are a bunch of ferral cats li... -,

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Delet before worldaroundewe sees shitty taxidermy and leaves us for SRD.

oh no ._.


Lmao both of these were downvoted into oblivion then removed by imgur.

direct links still work.

One is a bunch of cat skins

the other is a skinned cat

the second one caught me by surprise; wasn't expecting that.

The skinned cat looks like a chicken with anime eyes.

This looks like it was taken in a biology course.

ET lookin' ass



these are amazing good work

Serious question ... do they taste good in Chinese rice?

I unironically would love one sent to me

Thanks I came



There are some local feral cats I wish would be taxidermied into nice lil rugs. My annoying neighbors feed them and then they leave cat shit all over my yard and scratch up my car. Fuck the legal feral colonies my city allows. Crazy cat feeders should not be encouraged /endrant

I’m a cat person, but I agree with you actually. Cats are extremely adaptable hyper-carnivores that can lay waste to biodiversity in decades. I had some opportunities to observe a feral colony in a rural area over the years and shit was nuts. One matriarch easily spawned at least 10 generations before she was caught and spayed. Tough old bitch too, scarred up and missing a tail and outlived 80% of her children-great whatever grand children.

I actually live on a small farm that's surrounded by large commercial grain farms which bring a lot of rodents which bring a lot of feral cats. The area also happens to be on the migratory path of a few endangered species and the area is world renown for birdwatching so the county has put a bounty on the cats. I dont actually skin them or anything but if I see one I wont hesitate to shoot.

Based and rusticpilled

Yeah, you definitely have my blessing as a cat guy. They are too good at what they do, and while many seem to specialize, all will go after birds. (Except for mine, she is horrendously inbred and undersized, and as an indoor cat she is happy killing flies and spiders. I’m pretty sure a gang of jays could kill her if it came down to it).

Seriously I don't hate cats either. I would get one as a pet if my family members weren't allergic. But I draw the line at feeding 5+ strays. There used to be more, but they finally got caught and spayed/neutered and I guess some died. If you love the cats so much, take them inside and make them your pets. Don't subject the rest of us to a cat colony. Also, sometimes I just want to let my dog out into my own backyard without worrying that he'll eat a bunch of cat shit and smell rank or get sick.

We also have some pretty neat birds and squirrels hang out in our backyard and I'd like them to stay alive.

But one of the best features of having an outdoor cat is that they help get rid of the squirrel menace. Agreed about the birds tho

Nooo squirrels are so cute

What's with this subreddit and future fucking serial killers



What do you think



I'm gonna have to up my game.

Tbh I'll fuck anything, ima ho


do you have enough to make a good gradient photo; a rainbow of cat furs?

this is the first time a rdrama post has made me unironically seethe


Kinda fucked up


/r/drama serial killer of the month



Nice work, I don’t understand why this is such a terrible thing.




I didn't realize until I looked and the title and...oh