Manlet DDF makes up definition of words while totally not agendaposting vs budget pizzashill

14  2019-07-26 by allendrio


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. Manlet DDF makes up definition of w... -,,

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Last time i got into a serious posting slapfight i didnt post it and i regretted it, hes also having a slapfight vs watermark simultaneously.

Describing yourself as a ‘budget pizzashill’ is even a bridge too far ime. Europoors posting in drama 🤢

calling NZ europoor

i take that as a compliment

When did I say that 🤔

you edited it, how dare you.

Is that shirtless doosh really day_of_the_cope?

The buffest guy at my gym is ex neo nazi and this guy is unironically scared of taco truck genocide so i would say so.

Fascists generally care about personal responsibility and self care.

Real ones not clown or frog posters

unironically claiming members of your movement you dont like arent real communists/facists


You can be a idealogical member while being a disgrace lol

yeah thats my point?

Right and I’m agreeing

your original post was saying disgraces arent real members though

They are real they just get no real respect lol.

Let me give you examples.

Both left and rightoids having despicable habits of shitty self care and health. Costing both private and public programs billions(trillions?) in extra costs

Communists being the worst offenders of being basement dwelling feminine neets who clamber for violent revolution and think working out is ableist

Fascists who are also disgusting stay at home neets, preaching personal responsibility doing nothing with their lives

Etc etc

its almost like useless wastes of space are often authoritarians, hitler was literally a drop out art student who became homeless and hung out with other homeless people who ranted about jews being the reason they failed their art exam.

I mean you leave out the part about decorated war veteran in a time when veterans where absolutely shat on.

The best argument for authoritative government is how dysfunctional our democracy’s are. Lol

and the best argument against authoritative governments is how they are even most dysfunctional than democracy's, you are delusional if you think otherwise.

If the USA gets a god awful president like it currently does there is a shitload of drama and nothing happens, if a dictatorship does like venezuala then they have coups and hyperinflation.

not wanting wow gold worth more than your currency and shoot outs in the street


if wow was less of a hot mess and actually good venezualan gold farming would be even bigger and more hilarious its pretty regrettable.

Classic is coming out my friend

exactly imagine fucking up so much people prefer the version of your game without 15 years of your work on it.

Its like building a house for someone only to have them knock the entire thing down as they say "i just wanted the land"

That happens frequently lol

Yes lol

Stop the nonsense Post bussy

I don’t want to deal with the amount of effort I would put into what that would entail

Like that’s harder than buff manlet posting, come on now son

He seems like a nice guy but he has been bitten by the rightoid snake ;(

This entire sub is left as fuck lol I unironically got yang for my isidewith followed by Delaney and then tulsi lol




