The guy who made the fake trump seal is doing an ama for some fucking reason

57  2019-07-26 by headasplodes


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. The guy who made the fake trump sea... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I created this in 2016 as nothing more than an outlet for frustration. I never imagined I'd be sitting here years later with this as a result.

Holy shit this whole thing has got you mad lmao

Would you like to show us the papier-mâché you made when the other kids kept calling you a fag?

Fuck you’re embarrassing

You’re an idiot



any port in a storm

It's hilarious though.



Imagine getting this bussyblasted over a joke seal.


So much autistic screeching from the Quarantine Zone.

His stance resulted in my business losing a very skillful handyman whom I haven’t been able to replace. Fuck Trump

Proving Trump right to own him epic style 🤪

i employ illegal aliens

its trump's fault

All that gold 😫

I think the front page collectively creamed its pants.

The real drama is in the comments of this post where OP and some serious posters go “no u” back and forth forever

Hint: youre both retards