FRESH!! A blatant Commie Mommie post in r/choosingbeggars has everyone seething

23  2019-07-26 by Corporal-Hicks


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. FRESH!! A blatant Commie Mommie pos... -,,

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Unpaid internships must be outlawed

Paid entry-level jobs should not require prior experience

Minimum wage should be 15+USD

Westerners are as entitled as they are privileged cmv

TFW not wanting to be a literal slave is privileged and entitled.

literal slave

Does your employer whips you for being late or what? No one held a gun to your head and forced you to become an intern.

seen some retarded takes but these are wild lmao


Unpaid internships are such lefty loser meme, they were stuck with the bottom of the barrel internship options because they were losers. Everyone I know who interned was paid well.

Loser, or not, there's no excuse for being an exploitative parasite. Fuck, even prison slave laborers get a few cents an hour.

The truth with internship programs is that they're actually expensive and interns cost more than they produce by a long shot by reducing the productivity of their handlers. Interns very rarely actually produce much of value, the purpose of internships is basically job advertising and an extended interview process. Take in 30 interns and hire the 8 that don't actively huff glue all day.

Of course every scenario is different, if there is a high chance you'll actually be a net benefit while you're there and hiring you would be a win for the company then you'll probably be paid. If you're going to intern in a dying newspaper shop and all you can meaningfully do is do get in the way and push paper around you aren't exactly a desired commodity.

Imagine being so underskilled and unwanted you do it for free

Unpaid internships are traps for retards too stupid to realize work should involve getting paid.

we've said the same thing.

I've seen well qualified people fall for the "experience" meme. Being a bottom of the barrel loser isn't a prerequisite for being an unpaid intern.

IIRC, something like 60% of internships these days are paid.

sounds about right, 40% of people are losers.