Bored teens caught roughhousing on camera

127  2019-07-26 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Bored teens caught roughhousing on ... -,

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Those rambunctious "teens" at it again



nondescript youths with no other description possible will be nondescript youths with no other description possible!

They don't even actually have to be teens


Looks like superpredators to me

Black people don’t have a childhood, they emerge from the womb fully ready to beat up as many mayos as they can before they inevitably get shot by the police


When you put it like that it kind of sounds awesome

Diversity is so beautiful. And to think, just yesterday I was almost convinced by a agenda poster that all anyone needs is the magic dirt of the USA and they are exactly the same as everyone else.

Didn't your descendants arrive at Ellis Island in 1905?

you guys acclimated quickly

Great argument against immigration from Africa and other 3rd world hell holes lol

Italians weren't discriminated against when they came here. Americans welcomed them with open arms.

Ya dude. That’s why they weren’t banned from immigrating completely and why Ben Franklin actively lobbied to not allow Germans to immigrate.

Ben Franklin didn't want dirty ass Hessians to infiltrate colonial society like the sneaks they were. The Hessians were German mercenaries who fought for the tyrannical King Charles of England. I thought you were from Italian heritage?

I’m half Italian half german, but northern Italian so I’m just a goth rape baby

Okay thanks. I thought I had been collecting info on the wrong guy for a second there.

No man keep it rolling in I have done a pretty decent job of opsec feeding nonsense in with the truth

I'm kidding. I don't have a file on you nor do the /r/drama mods have a discord chatroom dedicated to collecting information on its "problematic" users.

The fact that I’m not invited to hang out in voice chat is problematic.

Do you want your voice recorded?

I’m not against it

When did you recognize your need for attention?

I actually personally don’t need the attention, hence why this is my first time on a named forum lol. I just like the excitement. Still don’t know how I feel about a name being attached.

I just like the excitement.


People arguing back and forth, debates, emotions idk.

It’s probably why I have a good job but still pick up shifts working security at the bar. My life is pretty boring compared to when I was younger.

Are you new in town and need a social life?

I have a social lift but it isn’t dramatic lol

Date a girl who considers herself an "influencer"

I deal with those clients all day for work. Please no.

I'm half German, half Polish Ashkenazi. True centrism.

Half Nazi, half Ashkenazi. Get. On. My. Level.


Lmao why are mayoamericans so concerned with their European heritage? Being an Italian Jew dont make your trailer any nicer, Cletus. Since you've been on this side of the pond your family tree has more resembled a telephone pole

We have a actual history it’s fun to look back at lol. It’s nice knowing my dad and sister mother came from good stock

Well of course your sister being good breeding stock is important to you, incest is at the root of mayo culture

You’re welcome

Yeah you were part of the same empire as Syria at one point. Except by the end Syria was in fact generally wealthier and better off a part of Rome than Rome was.

Watermark. The adderall man. Your stalking me, chill.

I really hate northern Italians, literally your just a fucking Italian but you think you shit gold just because you imagine a German raped one of your ancestors. Being from a shithole is one thing, being from a shithole and still imagining yourself as a special snowflake is the worst. Like half of Polands cultural identity these days seems to be hating immigrants. Problem is Poland is a shithole and nobody was wanting to go there anyway? Poland is like the country version of the guy who loudly declares that he wouldn’t have sex with some girl, just hilarious, such a passionate and furious rejection of an entirely imaginary proposition. Some dudes actually just go out and fuck women. While Poland rejects immigrants in a desperate attempt to save face and pretend as if it would ever actually be the sort of country anyone would willingly live in anyway.

I had a point, maybe I’ll remember it if I snort more adderall.


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Both Medniggers and GERMans deserved to get benned

I agree lol

im not sure if this is bait

Bad bait. I have a entire army of leftoids following me around. 3 posts made about me in 24 hours lol

You responded to me here. I'm also not a leftoid. I'm a centroid.

I will never not respond. This entire sub is completely dedicated to causing a shit show and I love it. I do my best to contribute and it seems to be working.

As top mod of /r/drama, I appreciate your efforts.

Can I actually serious post for a second?

I got bitched at by a stupid coworker in a different department because I don’t have “proper form when typing” when I applied I had to take a typing test. I type just under 80 WPM.

This coworker told me “ya I type 55 but properly” bitch if it’s getting done who cares lol.

“proper form when typing”

What does that mean? Are you using social media grammar in your emails?

No. I do a weird retarded version of hunt and peck. My grammar in email unlike phone posting is impeccable

Tell them it's discrimination because of your Italian heritage.


You weren't taught the correct way, you put a cardboard cover over your hands so you can't peck or see.

Class differences lol

I learned before we had a typing class, from playing games as a kid

why are you telling us this?

I’m bored and felt like it.

are you a secretary?

Secretary’s are genuinely pretty busy lol

We're all on this ride called life together. Let's share more with each other and maybe prevent future conflicts.

I'm pretty sure that's the most wholesome post you've ever done

I act tough on the Internet to hide the fact that I have any number of emotional and social problems that I need to work on. It's an easy way of putting up a front and not letting people get too close to me, because deep inside I feel like I don't deserve love.

I know this post took a serious turn really quickly, but if you want to talk more about this, please consider adding me on AiM. Username is jaredgayffer27.

I only use icq duh


Did you flex your 80 words a minute on that ho then tell her to kick rocks?

Fuck ya.

Based COPE, my man.

I got him to delete his old account after accidentally doxxing himself, but I fear his autism has grown to strong for lightning to strike twice

I got him to delete his old account

Wow epic move, fellow gamer.

ur next, gayboy

I'll let you in on a little secret. My real name isn't Jared. It's Coco.

Who did this dude used to be? I’m referring to day of the cope

lucid huckleberry

That was the fake California lawyer?


Wait, is that luccidingleberry?


Are you really not sure?

im not sure if this is bait

I am not sure if you are sapient either, but one has to assume.

They're bringing crime. They're bringing mafias. They're bringing protection rings. They're smelly and overweight. And some, I assume, are good people

They're bringing Mustache Petes



San Gennero is not a real holiday.

Italy was a third world hell hole when people were immigrating from it, so was Ireland, etc...

That’s the entire reason they immigrated, people don’t in general immigrate from countries that are doing well.

It’s crazy once again the levels of assimilation. I mean making the arguments aren’t really helpful to the cause.

t. agenda poster

manlet opinions don't matter

If all black people disappeared tommorrow, you’d still be a useless piece of shit just the same

If all the energy that white people put into posting angrily about black people online were instead put to some productive use, I think we could finish the space elevator in about 5 years. Instead you’re going to post about how much you hate minorities online like a giant useless piece of shit. Thanks.

Do you know the story of us trying to go to the moon?

If all black people disappeared tommorrow, you’d still be a useless piece of shit just the same

But the rest of us would live in a beautiful new world.


these kids are fucking ridiculous man in my dad teens would've never left that dude alive to tell the story.

goddamn millienials, I blame the libs and the soy and such

Right? You take the carcass back to your den for butchering and skinning.

some of these kids have never been shot at by a Roof Korean, and it shows.

My grandpa told me when he was a kid a Negro boy bit his friends arm clean off, they sure don’t make them like they used to.


Gonna seethe a little here. In DC, a DC resident cant CCW a handgun at all for any reason. Unless you are friends with someone on the DC council or friends of the Chief, you will never get a CCW. BUT.... If youre a VA resident, you can apply for an non-resident CCW permit and they have to give it to you after like 12 hours of classes. Which was just enforced recently due to a lawsuit.

Damn it’s that easy in Virginia?

Here in Cali it’s pretty similar to DC

In DC, their courts have basically said that a resident has no business of ever bringing their guns out of their house for any reason at all. I remember reading a case about a guy saw his neighbor getting eaten alive by a pitbull, grabbed his gun and went outside and shot the dog. He was charged with multiple felonies and he was found guilty. I forget if SCOTUS stepped in on that one.

Jesus that’s horrible

If it's this case then the charges were dropped. Looks like his gun wasn't registered. Can you own a registered firearm in your home in DC?

You can own a registered handgun in your house but you cant take it out of your house.

That's for indoor guns. What about outdoor guns?

Just mark "outside gun" on your registration

got it

Register as homeless, cut a hole in the bottom of your tent, and "Flintstone" around Baltimore in night vision, level three plates, and a Hawaiian shirt, with a nice mk-18 build.

Can you own a registered firearm in your home in DC?

lol the legislature in my state made permitless concealed carry legal for 21 and older in 2016. Just this year, they revisited that legislation and reduced the age to 18. Fuck DC.



No sir, good old Idaho, the fentanyl Whiteopia.

Ah ok, Missouri just recently did the same.


Didn't DC vs Heller gut most of their nonsense?

not in all parts of CA, just the metro areas. Central valley is easy to get them, but then you have to live in the central valley and get that lung fungus


Also, if you bring ammo into DC and they find it in your car its a felony. Just ammunition. Nothing else. There was a case some time ago where a guy was prosecuted for having a spent shell casing in his car.

Lol, one of my .223 rounds went into some weird mechanical pocket of my passenger seat in my car. I tried for half hour to get it out, but it's not happening. I could go to jail for that?

I am bound by Reddit's TOS to not say what I want to say about that.

ive never seethed harder at an article. poor guy

Same i looked into it some more and found this


At one point during the cross-examination concerning if a shotgun shell was an "intact bullet," the attorney asked if he (defendant) would allow a cop to load it into a shotgun and point it at him and pull the trigger"

Christ you should at least have to go a firearms safety course before prosecuting someone on it


Its worst than you think he only had the bullets for a muzzleloader no primer no gunpowder just a copper jacketed conical bullet that ain't going nowhere on its own and a dud shotgun shell



My state you don't even need a conceal and carry liscence or a background check from a private dealer lmao.

I don't carry ever because I don't live in the fucking ghetto. That said, when I do it's fun knowing my lack of a license pisses off the leftoids while my Soviet made Makarov pisses off the rightoids. Radical centrism is more than just an idea, it's a mindset and a way of life.

But have you gotten the holster yet for the Makarov that cocks the gun as you slide it forward out of the holster? Dopeness.

No but I got a Soviet made holster in mint condition stamped like 1957 or some shit, it's pretty neat!



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No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Can someone compile a list of these stories where these random teens keep attacking people? Maybe we can find some similarities between the incidents?

absolutely not, that would be racist


If there are commonalities, I'm sure it will be isolated to the United States, there's no way that a group of people would act in such a way in every country they live in.


Wow I really hope the two men in this video didn't become racist after this.

I saw not one man in this video.



On sight is on sight 😂😂😂

But why?

This just doesn't make any sense. Its insane, they like killed that dude for....? Didn't look like they wanted to rob him etc.

Didn't look like they wanted to rob him etc.

One of them went through his pockets. Not the reason they chumped out, but one of them didnt let it go to waste.



This happened at The Watergate Hotel so the kids could be Nixon fans

What the fuck is going on? This is nuts


Why is everyone acting like this is normal?

Now that you mention it, it looked like a few of them were wearing cheap watches.

Wow, some types of teens act like absolute thugs and degenerates.


Wakanda Forever!

it's called the knockout game and eventually white people are gonna get tired of playing it


and gun control nuts say there's no need for high capacity magazines smh



If it wasn't for you damn teenagers i wouldn't ne in a medical induced coma.


lol at fucking galaxy-brain carlos saying “the teens could actually be the victims here”

They just need some more fathers community centers

DC is a shit hole.

"We don't know the full story. These kids may very well be victims here. We don't know the possible reprehensible things the man might have said or done at the bar to spark this."

Best comment in the whole twitter thread.

the mayos who are seething in this comment section give me joy


They found out the RL identities of drama mods.