Mayos in AHS get upset over a meme posted here that is "anti lesbian and transphobic". Can someone explain the meme to me and why its 'offensive'

59  2019-07-26 by PoopShowPass


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Mayos in AHS get upset over a meme ... -,

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Drama is the online version of mediocre middle school kids competing against each other as to who 'cares the least'.


What were they offended by in the OP?


Swallow the care pill. It’s way more fun.

Wow. I was told I don't care enough by someone who spends time compiling posts from HATE SUBREDDITS and trying to shut them down. No recovery from that one.

Needs to be a snappy quote tbh

Hi AHS! 👋

I’d like to remind all of you that Jews enjoy all the benefits of being white as well as all the benefits of being non-white!

Have a great day!

Oh man you know one of them is going to read this and be seething and then one of (((them))) will read this and jump for joy. Thoughts on the jewish make up of AHS. The subs target is really more of a mayo endeavor than anything, my guess is 95%mayo

Jewish makeup of AHS: ~5%

Wannabe Jewish makeup of AHS: ~1488%


I bet we have more Jews and PoCs. Plus we're all gay.

true if big


Hi AHS! 👋

I’d like to remind all of you that Jews castizos enjoy all the benefits of being white as well as all the benefits of being non-white!

Have a great day!


Trans women are not women.

Have a nice day.

Except Trappy.

R.I.P Trappy.


Lol imagine thinking we're negative about things here

Could've shortened it to just "Mayos in AHS get upset" and save a lot of characters.



Hello AHS friends!!!

TW: Dick sucking
