Miss me with that trap shit...

214  2019-07-26 by WarSanchez


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Miss me with that trap shit... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy knows!


You just need to learn to appreciate the mouthfeel op.

Traps are grey.

We are the only women r/drama posters can get.

Seeing that there aren’t enough us all to go around, all sub 6’ r/drama males are to start their mandatory HRT program

Please don't compare yourselves to women you're better than that

Day of the MistressLawlz is upon us.

foid lawlz would be a true horror to behold

Lmao why are you even trying to imagine, Jessica Yaniv is already a thing 😂


Based and Lewinsky-pilled

> discord links

I'm surprised no one has run lawlz through one of those gender bending face apps.



We're still the only ones you can get. Imagine coping so hard you'll lie to yourself about being gay while fucking trussy because you don't want to admit we're women.

I fuck bussy with tits not trussy

Based and lawlzpilled

w/o plz.


Honestly I think that’s why Reddit hates us. They don’t understand that you are women, so in their minds this sub is just a ton of dudes having fun and enjoying each other, without whaman.

And Snally, but she’s an old so they don’t count her.

That's a fucking lie, because I am getting gussy tonight and I've been thirstposting you for 6 months and haven't even gotten a crumb of trussy

I don't remember. Then again I have a very bad memory to the point of disability.

Oh shit nvm ur not trappysaruh, disregard.

Don't get your r/drama troons mixed up gosh.

Trappysaruh posts nudes. Because of that there are only 2 troons in drama, trappysaruh and the other ones.


Disgusting. No matter how long you shower after that you'll never be able to wash away the shame.

sub 6' males

Practically women already


I want to be part of the harem

It’s the other way around with thirsty drama users chasing the tranny

That's the chapo version

Horse shoe confirmed once again.

It would be more realistic if the kid laid down, stuck his ass in the air, and said "oops i fell"

The only problem I have with resident r/Drama troons is that they all seem relatively calm and stable, I would like more Deranged trannies in this sub please, it's been a while since I've seen a good male to femalestrom here

The only problem I have with resident r/Drama troons is that they all seem relatively calm and stable

Happy to buck the trend o7

The only problem I have with resident r/Drama troons is that they all seem relatively calm and stable, I would like more Deranged trannies in this sub please

The insane ones are in the Discord.

I have too much self respect to reduce myself to a discordcel


Can I get a pm to the discord?

I left. It's full of people who haven't been drama regulars for months.

Im always late to the party

Are there more than two? I thought trappy and snally were the only tgirls

Snally is an actual adult woman.

anybody that posts here is too obese to move from their computer chair, let alone get up and run

I miss when nerds were 50% skinny mode too

Your options now are skinny fat fallout ghoul body (me) or severely obese land mass of pure lard (used to be me)


Traps are filthy degenerates who have no place in society

Would still give trappysaruh a reach-around though


It's only common courtesy

Traps are the worst.

The Victor Pest East Set is the best trap for smaller rodents brotha...

For BiG BoYs ya probably wanna go with the Havahart 1079.

Anyway sorry you were having trouble with yer traps, have a BOOMIN day.

I can't even go into their discord anymore without dimensional trying to fucking coerce me into taking estrogen supplements





Implying a mod can move without a mobility scooter.