Sup Zoomers I'm just over hear boomin, now get a trade and find a wife before you end up like the Millennials

121  2019-07-26 by Hamalama


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Sup Zoomers I'm just over hear boom... -,

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You're correct I am targeting gamers with my advice. If you kids like fortnite you will love the IRL job of construction worker. This all-american job offers you the same experience of building while being shot at (unless you are eurotrash).

This is a big problem for our nations kids, too much streamin' not enough american-dreamin'

I was just talking about dropping everything and becoming an Alaskan fisherman.

This is an honorable real American đŸ‡ș🇾 trade. Although it rarely involves firearms, it does require you to sacrifice your health and wellbeing which is good.

I will bring a pistol because I'll be damned if I'll go out due to some foreign rogue wave.

Goddamn soviets probably

I remember when you could bail to Alaska for a summer and come come with 40-60k.

Now I've heard the pay has dropped about 80% since then, not even factoring in inflation.


Very simple equations

Capitals share of national income = rate or return on capital * (total national capital / total national income)

a = r/b

Also just have to point out the obvious,

National income = labors share of income + capitals share of income

As the rate of return on capital, and total amount of capital, increases, the share held by labor plummets. In traditional societies this was usually overwhelming, like labor was practically worthless while income from capital “grew” at basically the same rate as today. The past two centuries have been a sharp break from that, first the value of labor increased tremendously as the economy grew. And second, world war I and world war II wiped the capital stock of virtually every western nation. That’s why labor had it so good in the 50’s - the capital owners were weak and still recovering.

Yet today we’re more and more looking like those traditional societies, the “value” of capital has gone up tremendously. Really this value to me just represents nothing more than their estimated ability to leech off of the workers, as the stock market goes up, the worker goes down.

As the rate of return on capital, and total amount of capital, increases, the share held by labor plummets.

Only because of the way things are right now. In the past, this was not necessarily true. Wages were rising along with capital, although at less rates. We called this the American dream. That is no longer the case.

Smart people are not playing by the rules. If you aren't sacrificing 2-5 years in your early twenties to eat too ramen and aquire capital (assuming your family are broke-ass losers) you are doing it wrong. In this society, the rich get far richer and we import cheaper labor or export the jobs. Either way, labor is turbo fucked. Increase wages enough, and capital will just export more jobs instead of importing brown people.

Put in capital controls and rich people will flee with capital before the law goes though. There is no easy fix to this. Better to just get rich and enjoy the ride on this accelerating train. Embrace transhumanism, wait for the singularity, and stock up on a good source of fetus stem cells.

rich people will flee with capital before the law goes though

Flee to where, the Caymans? These safe haven's only exist by virtue of the power of the U.S. Why do you think ancaps get so dreams about monopolies of power? Ultimately, they know they cannot escape the power of the state. The issue is a modernized form of regulatory capture. If the U.S. government actually wanted to reign these rich assholes in, it could. They've just permeated so many levels of governance.

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suck my dick


You need to save that gold for when the demoncrats steal the White House from our man Trump

Won't need it cuz only way that happens is over my dead body!@!

Base- I mean, hell yeah brother!

Real men become construction workers who get impaled by #8 rebar on their second day

I wish I had died on my second day of work.

This is a good account

Goddammit this is funnier than it should be


For all the morons complaining that they can't afford a house and the supposed construction/real estate tycoon running the country of USA that should know better about mexican construction workers and what effect is has on the whole economy, we in the US face a major problem in now and in the coming decades.

Anybody who knows anything about macroeconomics knows that housing/building/real estate is one of the major parts of a total package of national economics, and when it suffers, everybody suffers.

And because of the last few generations of weaklings, we are facing a major shortage, at least in the US, of skilled workers to build things people require.

Food, housing and medical care are the three most fundamental things that all people need. When you don't have enough people to build, a society can have serious problems.


lol the only mac economics this BOOMER needs is how many Big Macs per Social Security check brotha...

Your Pulitzer’s in the mail

Build me a house daddy

Sir, this is a Pulte home.

Pulte home


I'm Jewish. We predict things and profit off them. I'm already shorting your 401k portfolio.

Did you predict those houses falling down?

Who do you think was the lawyer for those lawsuits?

In a way yes. I actually shorted a specific grouping of alt-a only mortgages made by wamu specifically in the socal region. Was at the tail end of 2005. Easiest 50k I ever made. Only like 5-6% of the loans had to enter default within five years. I think like 20% were delinquent within six months.

What if we nationalized the construction industry, banned McMansions, and built enough quality affordable housing for everyone in the United States to live in? Thus abolishing homelessness, at a trivial overall cost to society in the long run in comparison to the benefit. What effect would that have on the loan delinquency rate?

Thus abolishing homelessness

Attempts to abolish homelessness by giving homeless homes always fail disastrously.

This is your problem and it won't be solved as long as it has bipartisan support from the retarded "mental illness is a social construct" left and the selfish "oh nice defund this" right.

all that

I'd find a way to profit off it, or be in charge of administrating it.

Yes but your 401k can act as an emergency fund, as can a Roth IRA. Not recommended, but possible.

Retirement is fukked tho

he predicted the towers falling down that's for sure

I know we are being seriousposting morons here but, here let me serious post.

We are currently in the process of building a house, and the one thing we have heard from fucking everybody we hire for the various things is that they are all insanely busy. They have more work than the know what to do with. I have to wonder if what you linked above is the reason.

There are regional variations, depending upon where you are, but yeah, probably what you are talking about is true.

Skilled and reliable builders are in short supply today.

Yeah, so far it's been everything from our architect, our septic designer, our engineer, our grading guys, our tree guys. It's been crazy.

And why the hell are skilled and reliable builders in short supply today? It’s because companies don’t invest the money into training unskilled workers. Don’t blame the workers for this shit, that’s so intellectually lazy. If there is a problem, look at the top, don’t look at the bottom. You’re wasting your time.

Again, the reason there was not a shortage of workers in the past, was because employers ate the costs and took the chance on training unskilled workers. They’re not willing to do that anymore. These are companies who mostly exist to liquidate themselves as fast as possible to send money into some trust fund babies bank account, they are not interested in spending any money on workers, either for their livelihood or for the future of their industry.


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If those companies really were desperate for labor, they’d be willing to hire people unskilled and eat the investment of training them. The “skills gap” is a garbage myth invented to try and pin the blame for the unemployment in the recession on workers not having enough skills somehow. In reality, in bad times, companies keep skilled job postings open hoping to win the lottery, you know, snatch up a skilled worker who was just leaving the competition, immediately gaining all of those skills at no cost. It would be a waste to just leave the job postings vacant when leaving them up costs virtually nothing.

But they do not have the money to actually train people, so the job postings they put out are practically useless for the vast majority of people and are not relevant. They are looking for people with job experience, they’re not going to hire you unskilled, and lol @ ‘job training’ are you fucking kidding me. Learn to code.

Btw 20% of construction workers being latino really isn’t such a crazy proportion, like latinos are at least 13% of the population right? So it’s not even a massive exaggeration. Anyway I bear them no ill will, workers are not the enemy of the workers.

Yall got that right pardner đŸ€ đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾

are these from that one boomer meme twitter account lol

That man isn't nearly taco enough to be a real construction worker

hmmm sounds like we got ourselves an agitator, Hoover woulda sorted you out quick.

Is that what that giant sucking sound is?

Is that what that giant sucking sound is

is this a ross perot reference? thought i recognized a fellow boomer. What kinda hog ya got, Goldwing trike or Harley trike?

Ninja 250. I save my money for that high end charcoal.

Poor guy. Well since ya can only afford 2 wheels I’ll pray for ya 🙏

Hey I have a beater truck, fag, and a model s too đŸ˜€


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learn a trade ya’ll