r/politics copes

4  2019-07-26 by cfbWORKING


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. r/politics copes - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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What else do you expect them to do? Mitch is a legit evil genius supervillain.


Cope is the native state of politics, regardless of the subject matter.

Yeah but Mitch got that super cope. His wife imports it with cargo ships.

Want to be more concerned?

Remember the whole 'adding a question to the census' business?

There was that little bit of hustle around the fact that Trump tweeted some things and got some lawyers in trouble with a judge. And then those lawyers wanted to dip out on the case, yeah?

This was, in fact, a nearly dire moment in US history.

What it basically came down to was that the court basically said, "No, because of the manner in which you went about trying to get this question added, you absolutely cannot add the question for the given reasons." And the lawyers were like, "alright, no problem. We will take this decision back to a lower court and try to fix our fuck up."

But then Trump got on twitter and basically said, "Nah, we're going to figure out a way to do it anyways. Probs with an executive order."

This is a big fucking deal.

See, there is this.... our government operates in many ways through trust. Trust that when the judicial branch hands down a decision, the other branches are going to respect that decision (generally speaking). What happens if the executive branch decides, "nah, fuck what ever you decided. We're doing it anyways?"

There are only a handful of instances in US history in which the Supreme Court dispatched Marshalls to enforce a ruling. But this is not a codified duty of the Marshalls. And imagine that: the marshalls heading down to the white house to enforce a Supreme Court decision. How do you imagine that turns out? That would, very literally, be a war between two branches of our government. But that's not likely what would even happen.

What would happen? Probably exactly nothing. What would happen would be the negating of the powers of the supreme court by the executive branch.

You want to talk about concern? You want to talk about consolidation of power? Donald Trump literally, publicly played with the idea of completely dismantling the most essential mechanism by which our government functions: the checks and balances of the co-equal branches of government.

The Republicans are unwilling to do their job in the senate in holding this president to account. What happens then if the executive also decides that the Supreme Court's decisions just don't matter?

Donald Trump, intentionally or not, is leading us towards fascism. Each day he pushes a little harder on those walls. Each day he tests further and further the boundaries of what he can get away with. Not in order to create an authoritarian fascist regime, but because he is an egocentric jackass with no understanding of how or more importantly why our government operates in the manner in which it does. All that matters to Donald Trump is the image of Donald Trump.

This but unironically



No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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I always wondered what the mind was like of a Republican who in 2011 was ranting about Obama being from Kenya and whinging desperately about putting Dijon Mustard on a burger as if that would end his political career.

These past few years have been very illuminating.

The horseshoe never stops

2010 ”kenya commie bastard”

2012 ”lol russia it ain't 1980 bruh”

2014 ”russsiaaaa”


Rich people owe no nation their allegiance.

McConnell, 45, the GOP generally, and the right wing of the Democratic party, have more in common with Putin, Xi, Murdoch, Oppenheimer, and other foreign oligarchs than with the American people they pretend to represent.

Trump 2020 incoming I suppose

Borderline foregone conclusion at this point.


r/politics coping? Must be a day of the week that ends in "y".