SRDines white knight for a girl that was L I T E R A L L Y asking for it.

89  2019-07-27 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. SRDines white knight for a girl tha... -,,

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Lmfao. Of course the white knight feminist slap fight ends up, literally 3 interactions later, with a post the other made about a rape fantasy. Well boys and troons, looks like we were right about all male feminists.

Aren’t rape fantasies semi common among genders and political lines?

Lol I’m not gunna normalize your rape fetish. Get help

Idc about it lol

I’m referring to some studies I’ve seen posted here

Honestly I haven’t been concerned enough with having a rape fantasy to know anything about it, but I’ll check on it for you buddy

Did you finish?


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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I’m referring to some studies I’ve seen posted here

Yeah, because we go around talking about rape fetish statistics a lot around here. Maybe you're confusing us with your other favourite sub, r/ageplaypenpals.

do you think this subreddit is above such things lmao

Help normalize it yes

foids 3rd highest fantasy is rape.


Moids don't care for it as much.

I have noped out of every time it’s been brought up. Even put my college GF on blast when she told my friends I was a prude and while we were drinking and I said “I’m sorry I’m prude because I don’t want to get shot sneaking in your dorm window with a mask and a knife” she dumped me one the spot. Wasn’t a big deal. What was unsettling was how for every 2 chicks that was like “ew what’s wrong with her” there was 1 staring at me like I was the worlds biggest pussy.

But to answer your question. Honestly it seems common among relatively normal(lol) foids. Men Atleast have never that I can remember told me “they want to rape someone as a kink” lol

Men don’t wanna rape as a kink

They just wanna rape

I wonder what % of that is ability lol. It’s pretty rare for a woman to succeed in a woman rape. That said, it’s a pretty close to even split in the dominant thing. I have met my share of women that are into some crazy shit.

It would be cool to (consensually) break into a girls room or something and then (consensually) threaten to kill her if she screamed and then (consensually) tie her up and rape the shit out of her

This was actually scary to read. If not the act alone, I imagine any woman that allows or craves that would happily use it to metoo your ass lol

I have never dated a foid without a rape kink. Not one.

That might say more about you than about foids in general tbqh

were they hot though?

I used to run in BDSM circles as a dominant and I've definitely had some garbage subs get snotty like that when I didn't want to do a scene I wasn't into. Like I had a chick super into breath play once and she got all mad I wouldn't choke her for longer than a few seconds. Like sorry, ya dumb bitch, I ain't trying to kill someone during fucking sex play. And you gasping for air and looking like you're being really hurt isn't a turn-on. And consent isn't just for the sub, so get your entitled bitch ass outta here with that shit.

Some subby types are absolutely the worst. It's like they think that because they're a sub the basic rules of not being a shitbag don't apply. What kind of bitch asshole calls her bf a prude for refusing to pretend to rape her, Jesus Christ.

They're so common they're basically the norm.


90% of the posts were insulting her for being attractive and an attention whore

“Wah i’m pretty wah so sad”

But she's hot wtf?


She’s fat tho? And those tits probably sag to her knees when the bra comes off.

Honestly the amount of srdines you’ve caused to wank into a kleenex today should boost your confidence. I know at least one is updating his college dorm romp promp as we speak.

Her profile lmao

>Just yeet me off a bridge

>Nonstop shitty depression memes

Zoomercaust when?


I've never seen a serious post that serious before. You're laughing at retards get over yourselves lmao.

Anyone have an archive of her depression post? Everything was removed.

Imagine giving a shit what anyone on reddit thinks or says about you lol.
