/r/drama, we've heard your modmails and now we're willing to join the conversation..

108  2019-07-27 by TheBatarang

First of all, yes, mods are what is wrong with this sub. We're unprofessional, we don't do our jobs and we can't behave. Thank you for all the modmails letting us know this. Second, there's a huge problem with our deportation strategy. We're only deporting YOUR side. We hear you and we've come up with the answer to all of your problems.

That's why, in the name of radical centrism, we've decided to remove all political posts and comments for the next week. We've set up automod to remove these posts and direct you over to /r/politicope, the new drama sponsored political shit flinging sub. Instead of deporting people by banning them, we're just going to completely silence all conversation from both sides.

Remember to smash that report button if you see political posts, automod can't catch them all. Helping us will provide you with a sense of pride and accomplishment!


Make Automod Great Again


How about

Feel The Automod

People actually messaged you about this shit. I mod like 2 subs and all I have ever done is ignore everything that literally wasn’t some dipshit saying explicitly they would hurt someone

More recently automod has been stalking certain users and replying to them with pasta. I'm not sure you can get better than that.

2: white people nonsense
1: Unfathomably based
1: gay
1: surplus autism
1: ban everything except trappy nudes or you're a bunch of pussies
1: Pure unfettered faggotry
1: I strap the belts to my thighs, tighten them up, shoot up and then suck my benumbed toes
1: bruh literally why cant i post
1: See this is why I love you - jannie from edgy political sub.

thank u for ur feedback

Will you take it under consideration?

we appreciate the candid feedback and passion the community has put forth, it will definitely be passed along the chain of command

Thanks for recognizing the autistic hustle, fam.

You guys need to ban AITA posting too. Please.

thats stage 2.5 😏

1: ban everything except trappy nudes or you're a bunch of pussies

After Yaniv spam, this would be therapy for the worrying rise in transphobia :S Transwomen ARE women.


Jews did this


  1. /r/drama, we've heard your modmails... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. /r/politicope - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


Reported for political posting.

Snappy, you're closing in on a ban with this one 👻

This is retarded.


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automod is gonna be working overtime

This is the dumbest goddamn thing the mods have done here, including the pinging rules.

Nothing is worse than losing pinging

Imagine if we had full pinging permissions right now. We could call in people from hairstyling subs and tell them to off themselves. Okay, that sounds awesome, but the only threads we can ping in now are threads about pitbulls, black teens beating people up and white women using the gamer word. Politics is 90% of the COPE and SEETHE in modern life. The politics ban and its consequences have been a disaster for the /r/drama race.

After pinging, the only thing left was cope posting.

ZweiRama sweaty

We can go to r/deuxrama or r/freedrama. The jannies here have become what we make fun of about reddit, they think they're important now "shaping" the community.

Too many pics

Added another option that also doesn't have jannies from this shithole.

Jannycide when?

Changed the sub, the other one was moderated by these fucks here.


DR is mainly ruled by the same mods that mod here. It's just a playground for self righteous cryposters when this sub puts up the wall and a cesspool of losers who get upset by the shenanigans of this sub. They're like SRD Lite™ minus the left puritan tests

I removed it, you're right.

What’s DR?

Anyway, take it to /r/stupidpol.


the admins manually disabled it on the sub.

Mods have jumped the shark

I'd prefer to think of it as Fucking a whale

Wait... He actually did this? I thought he was just fucking around with his tweet.

He's certainly no marine biologist


Basically, this place is just going to devolve into /r/AITAmeta.

So, par for the course



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Lol I guess those do count

This is stupid. I like the retarded left and right serious posting and fighting. The fucking subreddit is called r/drama. Thanks again jannies for ruining everything.

We're just trying to make you people happy. What will it take to win your love?

Either make me mod or sticky a picture of one of my cats

Send cat pics and I'll consider it. We're going to need content while people figure out how to post drama that isn't US politics.

I put an album of trappys favorite cat in modmail but here it is again


is that one of those tile things on his collar?

Yup all 4 cats have them

They don’t work all the time but they do help a lot

Too many incidents where the cunts cat disappear and my gf becomes literally hysterical


make me mod


I gave you a reasonable alternative

You turds are incapable of loving. Just let these retards post and enjoy the show.

Give me moderator

turn /r/drama into a subreddit about trains


Quite literally too on the nose

donate to my kickstarter

Brimg back pinging


1). Bring back pinging and let us go wild one last time before the admins shut us down

2). Get some rope

3). You know what you need to do with the rope

Lasso cattle?




Yer nan calling me the next day, m8

You deleting your account.

No. The only way I could love my account name more is if it involved a lizard somehow. Try another one.

You asked and I told you. Don't ask if you do not want to hear the answer, shitlord. Now go back to Tumbler and jerk off to SWF pictures.

Ewwww, tumblr. I don't much care for your dirty talk. I'm a lady (debatably), and not inclined to hang out in icky places.

No one loves you.

The jannies have nostalgia for a time that never really was, but they are ultimately butt hurt that the effort is so low among the user base that we can’t even have pinging. So I am sort of with them, but ultimately they did the right thing in not becoming all mayo and just banning all dissent like 99% subs ran by power mods do. Jannies gonna jannie too 🤷🏿‍♂️

Friendly reminder that pinging is allowed in /r/politicope where you belong, droppers.

Daily reminder that as a radical centrist I don’t get involved in pedestrian spats about partisan politics.

Daily reminder you're just masquerading as a centrist. Real centrist ban both sides.

Real centrists ban no sides 😎

Spoken like someone who doesn't mod drama.

Jannies 🤢 although I did do my first Reddit ban ever today on a kippot alt following me around posting Tim pool pics lol. I’m being a bit of a hypocrite, but I just really dislike banning. It’s too mayo, even if it meant getting pinging back, I’d still be against lots of bans.

Reminder that only mayos call the police.

Snitches get stitches.



As a real real centrist I'd compromise and ban only one side.


gatekeeping drama


Based and modpilled

Just don't be retarded? We don't ask for much.


I love you daddy. Pound my bussy with your feminine penis.


I’m gonna post a bunch of comments to test the filter

Yes, please help us perfect it, we appreciate your hard work.

I can already tell it leans in lefts favour 😡😡😡😡 bats!

Jesus, trust you to figure out that lefts is allowed first try, gotta fix that.

I’m not buying what you’re selling with this response 😡😡😡

I'm sorry you get mad when Mommy makes new house rules.

🥰🥰😍😍😍 domme bats

Lemme try another one: Yang Gang

Are you going to ban Mommy and Daddy too?

Really doesn’t seem like it actually

Underestimating this sub of mongoloids ability to make anything political.


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Daniel Ortegoids. 🤮


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This is almost as good as that time we banned all slurs. I still type whaman and gæmer because of that.




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Okay since we already have a super serious thread about mod shit, what the fuck is up with the deleted comments.





Practically every single thread has some comments removed, and they're instadeleted so it must be an automod/shadowban thing. I think I already found 1 guy whose comments are getting deleted, but, can you like tell us what you're doing instead of circlejerking and shooting cum all over your keyboards in Discord/modmail?

its filtering out posts and comments from accounts that aren't at least 3 months old

ree first I get banned so I make a new account and then I can't post because my account is too new. Now I need to use of my many other gayass usernames just to shitpost. Thanks jannies

damn that sucks

Make it ban anyone newer than a couple years or so. Watch the newfag nods and their alts get chucked. It's what's best for the sub and Dramacoin™

so no new lolcows? WHY?

lolcows usually dont have 15 minute old accounts tho

they often do, for instance throwaway accounts who post dumb shit

they can modmail if they're doing a leak, duh

Those are mostly LARPs, sweaty

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

LARPing agendaporn isn't being overly dramatic, it's being tryhard

u slash 'dennismiller2024'

also politicope has pinging

Why are you dipshits trying to make rules?

the fun ones do.


lmao get aborted 😎

thats what my post earlier was about, it was mocking them 😎

Mocking aborted dramanauts (well, probably CAutists on alts) is not cool.

It's actually extremely cool, especially since they have no idea their comments are getting deleted and nobody can read them. Like spitting in aborted fetus' face.

Oh we know they're getting deleted, because trappy couldn't help jerking herself off over how clever it is. Every single removed comment gets this from AutoModerator:

hello, your message is currently in the queue to be posted. estimated queue times are currently estimated at: 3 Months estimated. thanks for choosing rdrama.

привет, ваше сообщение в данный момент находится в очереди для публикации. расчетное время очереди в настоящее время оценивается в: 3 месяца. спасибо, что выбрали rdrama.

Hola, tu mensaje está actualmente en la cola para ser publicado. los tiempos de cola estimados se estiman actualmente en: 3 meses estimados. Gracias por elegir rdrama.


ਹੈਲੋ, ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਵਰਤਮਾਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਾਇਨਾਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕਤਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਨ. ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਨ ਕਤਾਰ ਦੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਦਾ ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਾ ਇਸ ਸਮੇਂ ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਨ ਹੈ: 3 ਮਹੀਨੇ ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਨ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਰੈਡ੍ਰਾਮਾ ਚੁਣਨ ਲਈ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ

हैलो, आपका संदेश वर्तमान में पोस्ट की जाने वाली कतार में है। अनुमानित कतार समय वर्तमान में अनुमानित है: 3 महीने अनुमानित। rdrama चुनने के लिए धन्यवाद।

Helló, az üzenete jelenleg a sorban van. a becsült várakozási idők jelenleg: 3 becsült hónap. Köszönjük, hogy rdrama-t választott.

Përshëndetje, mesazhi juaj është aktualisht në radhë për t'u postuar. kohët e parashikuara të radhës aktualisht vlerësohen në: 3 Muaj të vlerësuar. faleminderit për zgjedhjen e rdrama.

ታዲያስ ፣ መልእክትዎ በአሁኑ ጊዜ ሊለጠፍ ወረፋ ላይ ነው ፡፡ የሚገመተው የሰልፍ ጊዜዎች በአሁኑ ጊዜ በ 3 ወሮች ተገምተዋል ፡፡ Rdrama ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰግናለን።

হ্যালো, আপনার বার্তা বর্তমানে পোস্ট করা সারিতে আছে। আনুমানিক সারি সময় বর্তমানে অনুমান করা হয়: 3 মাস আনুমানিক। rdrama নির্বাচন করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

hello, tá do theachtaireacht sa scuaine faoi láthair le cur sa phost. Meastar go bhfuil na hamanna scuaine measta faoi láthair ag: 3 mhí measta. go raibh maith agat as rdrama a roghnú.

העלא, דיין אָנזאָג איז דערווייַל אין דער ריי צו זיי אַרייַנגעשיקט. עסטימאַטעד ריי צייט איז דערווייַל עסטימאַטעד צו: 3 חדשים עסטימאַטעד. דאַנקען פֿאַר טשוזינג רדראַמאַ.

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Nice cuck account



I'm torn on whether this is good thing or not



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Just ban anyone that reports anything

There is no way to see who reported things genius

Lmao dude I have no idea how a spergy mod sees shit from their screen.


I thought you kinda could

Like I think they can ban people for spamming the report button somehow

Admins can

this is actually awful shove a spine up your spine

Based. This is worth it for the cope and seethe in this thread alone.


Dude... I don't even know how I missed that one.


Good thing I’m doing the testing for you

Thanks. It's pretty solid tho, right? Other than a few glaring exceptions. Trappy helped me.

Not bad

You may wanna filter DDF also tho

This whole thread is kind of a how to fix it. I should have expected immediate testing of my filters though.

>meta drama



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wait who the fuck are you, looking at your post history you're an unironic powerjanny. you unironically said 'Sorry hun,' as part of a moderation action. shove your dick up a pole

I've literally been here longer than you, hun.

wait who the fuck are you, looking at your post history you're an unironic powerjanny. you unironically said 'Sorry hun,' as part of a moderation action. shove your dick up a pole

V2 since I've been here longer than you, sweaty

Have you, though? Have you really? Your account is younger than I've been a mod.

You helped your buildings secretary yet??

She walked out on the job about a month ago in the middle of the day. I never did find out why but her boss asked me if I'd help find a replacement. I tried to find a nice way to say I wouldn't wish her as a boss on even pizzashill.

At least she had someone to look out for her

Can I get a flair that says gamer

You’re a 5 year old account. Did you seriously have so little self esteem you needed an alt account from your mod account so you could mod under a different name?

What the fuck are you talking about? This has been my main account for modding for five years. I swear you newfags get all uppity like you own the joint when you don't even know the regulars.

I’m a 7 year account and I got here within the year.

And frankly it’s people like you who made it so I can’t tell you to off yourself anymore SMH.

Wow, look at you pulling clout on me in /r/drama. You've certainly made me feel like the fool for you (checks notes) not knowing who I am. I'm certainly going to quit my online activites and leave now that you've given me a talking to.

Oh look, it’s the mod trying to smack down those uppity kids by bragging about how you’re pathetic enough to be a moderator longer than they’ve been on this pathetic site.

Honestly for the sake of your pride if nothing else you should just delete your account

I like my username. I think it's cool.

Yeah, capeshit references are so cool, maybe we can hang out and discuss how much money you’re paying to watch CGI punch each other in the face and give Disney billions

I'd sooner fuck masterlawlz than hang out with you. You're no fun and entirely too serious.

Says ms “I take modding seriously”.

So back to SRD

Lemme ask you something. Does this conversational technique work out well for you or am I just a lucky experiment?

Compared to a moderator I’m a goddamn Casanova

Somehow I doubt it from this conversation but you might have a nice ass. Post pics?

My god I was mistaken, you're a modern Adonis! But I asked for a picture of the rear. Please respond.

That was the rear! You didn’t think that ugly piece of shit was my face, did you?

You tease! Now I really must see it. Post the booty.

wait who the fuck are you, looking at your post history you're an unironic powerjanny. you unironically said 'Sorry hun,' as part of a moderation action. shove your dick up a pole

V3. I've been here longer than you AND my account is older.


moderator of 56


moderating a subreddit other than /r/drama


What has this shithole become?



word test: cuck

word test: chapocel


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Hmm you got an automod response but I still see your comment so it’s not removed

We had it set to filter instead of remove but one of the mods kept approving things. I was trying to be merciful to people who didn't mean to trigger it.


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word test: emails


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word test: centrist

I don't see a problem with centrist being allowed, it's a fundamental principal of the sub.



You're a fundamental vagina of this sub

Still politics. We can’t play favorites. It all goes.


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I would praise the radical centrism but then I would be deported.

Yeah, well, politicope is overrun by an insufferable bunch of [$opposingoids]. I'm taking my seething to /r/politiseethe.


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orrrr you could go to r/ZweiRama lmaooo imagine still using r/drama

We strongly encourage people to leave, that's why we keep deporting people.

You encourage them because the sub is still big, if they actually abandon this place you'll start crying because it'll be one less sub where you can display your impotent power, powerjanny.

Stop playing God!


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Tiananmen square

Bashing Chinese will always be allowed. 🇺🇸


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Complaints to be posted here.

Not a complaint, and I have no idea how well or badly this would go, but what about setting up a "discussion thread" that sorts by new and gets deleted every week on the /r/politicope sub, where people can put trashtier content and scream into the void?

You know, place where people can post all the AITA baits or some random Twitter wokies saying dumb shit to their hearts' content. Seeing as there are like 15 posts removed in the last 10 hours I guess it would not be starved for material.

I am yet to be anything but let down by a collective mod effort like this. The mods are at their best being themselves and dicking about harmlessly, and at their worst trying to gleefully moderate.

bill clampin





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The Tonight Show with Stephen Colbert






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border sconce

pizza rat




double hitler



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Jannies please do something about the serious/agenda posting it is put of control

What do you think this is? Politatards are the biggest offenders.







Make me a mod. I'll make r/drama ~great~~ again.

This is unironically a good change.

A) Removes political serious posts which are super boring

B) Riles up those who want to seriouspost about politics which contributes to /r/dramas self-sustainability farming program

finally you guys are doing something for free

Word test: Israel


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Oh wow l.i.b.e.r.t.a.r.i.an. is banned but Israel isn’t?


TF is this shit?


Jannies are ruining this sub.


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good job turning on the mod for this thread you crackers


Literally who are you?



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discuss anything of a political matter

Can you ban 'seethe' and 'cope' please?

Can you faggots not be retards for longer than 24 hours?

Radical centrist shitposting only makes senses if it's under political comment. All other subs would remove a shitpost and leave a political comment.

Now /r/drama wants to remove a political comment and leave a shitpost.

But... shitpost without a political comment is nothing.

get rid of Snallygaster

I should ban you for suggesting that. I'm always team Snally.

shes a far left loon, she is no way centrist

She's a beautiful diva. What's wrong with you?

she has removed mutliple posts of mine from subs shes mods despite them not breaking any rules.

Fuck her. I'm out to get her >:(

You slander her good name because she removed posts of yours I'm SURE you deserved to have removed? I'll have you know Snally is an infallible goddess.

you can't protect her forever good sir

I'll always protect her. Hoes before bros.

mayo mad lmao



Why the fuck was my thing removed smh

Excessive retardation.

Tbh a better idea is the sub votes which drama mod should be kicked out of the jannie community.

And they do it for free

Literally who are you



HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I'm a huge fan of yours. Thank you for your disapproval.


Fine people!

Both sides!


I renewed my KKK membership card just to spite you

Jokes on you, now you have to voluntarily wear a white people burka. It's a pretty hot summer, too. Keep hydrated.

I ain't doing shit for free


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What makes a post p0lit!cal? Does the gamer word make it p0l!tcal? What about a p0liticia@n raping someone, is that p0litic@l?

I'm also kind of mad I was invited to mod the other cope and seethe subs but not this one. Someone in r/drama rectumfry this please

I cut down on posting and look what happens...

We're just making room for you is all.


No really, I love crime cats. You can sit next to me.

So you guys basically couldn't withstand the butthurt in modmail and caved? I always knew you guys were a bunch of pussies but this is a new low for you degenerates. Good job 👉😎👉


This is retarded. Not because we can't politipost, but because this is a boring and unoriginal troll.

The mods here screwing things for their own enjoyment in repetitive ways is pretty standard for this sub. Look at all the infamous lolcows/famous personalities they've banned and harrassed off the sub in the name of 'trolling them'.

It's standard but it's fucking retarded. The mods used to be at least mildly amusing sometimes. Sub's really gone downhill.




So whats considered "politics" or is it a dice roll like usually?

Over the top toilet paper roller represent btw

I predicted this!

very cool


imagine copeposting

very nice!



No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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This is gay, and not in the cool sense of the word.

literally everything the mods do kills this sub a little more every time

the epic ban off was a meme that killed a lot of funny content, then this is just going to leave us with what? slapfights in the comment sections of subs nobody gives a fuck about?

While we're on the subject of removing low effort endlessly repeated content from the sub does does this mean you'll finally end lawlz reign of terror and his shitposts?

Nope, this is Lawlz's natural habitat and when he pokes his head out to see us the least we can do is look back at him. If there's better drama than his announcement and people whining his posts get replaced quick enough so my suggestion is go find better drama.

Have you heard about the fetish Littles and Bigs? These are people larping as pedos and pedo victims. There's got to be some great drama in that community, just waiting for someone to find it for us al to laugh at.


Nice... all hail master lawlz

Tbqh the mods should only allow posts for tv shows by Asian spambots.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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This will be the week something amazingly dramatic will happen in politics; it does not matter which side, but something will happen.



People of the platypus, I bring you a message from u/ Happy_Pumpkin:

"You assbrained powermods wont stop until this sub is nothing but autistic inside jokes and, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, memes" That is what I would have commented if I hadn't been a victim of their retarded capeshit 98% purge



Are Zyklon Ben comics allowed?

I hope this becomes permanent.

hello. im just curious if gendercritical posts count as political?

Depends on the post.


Funny post but literally who are you

According to former user Hypnozooid, a self important jackass. According to my inbox some SRDine. Also apparently I'm also a tranny and a prostitute. I'm suffering an identity crisis tbh.

And according to this comment you're a foid.

That's probably the only accurate thing someone has said about me today. If you don't know who I am it's because I tend to go away and come back for months at a time but I've been around drama for at least as long as this username has been around and on the one before it as well. I'm not usually so flamboyant as this w/ mod shit :)