Based boomers are doing the world a favor and killing themselves

28  2019-07-27 by OverSocialization


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Based boomers are doing the world a... -,

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Now if only op could be so based

Sorry bro I promised my mom I wouldn’t kill myself until after she’s dead

Fair compromise

Since when do you give enough of a shit about anyone else to keep a promise?

Do you know me or something?

posts to Drama

lives with his mother

angry about "boomers"

Did I need to know more?

>angry about “boomers”

Are you that triggered about this article that you think I’m actually angry at boomers?

If you were actually being dramatic you wouldn't have broken character just now like such a d-grade fucking amateur.

I will have you know that oversocialized is an obese alcoholic with an hot, skinny, lawyer girlfriend, who is far out of his league. True story.

See my comment to the other guy. I got your back.

Thanks bro 😎

Should have also mentioned my cute cats tho

I edited

Thank you very much


Nothing a good murder suicide can't solve.


You kids do realize that boomers and gen x built and high end maintain the internet that you so prize and think you own, right?

Shut the fuck up boomer

Go play fortnite on your phone, zoomie

I’m a PUBG guy boomer

0 points? didn't know r/drama was a hate sub

Too many children whose parents aren't properly limiting and monitoring their internet access.

I mean shit man if I faced mental decline in a care center where I had to wear dipers like my grandma did I would kill myself out of mercy. 85+? Thats probably exactly whats going on, they saw older cousins become a shell of themselves due to staying alive too damn long and decided to not put anyone else through that bs, most of all themselves

Old people homes are the main reason my gf contemplates having kids. Without having nice kids you can guilt into caring for you you’re fucked as an old person.

or just save the money you would spend on these shit machines, invest it in your 401k live like a king

99,9% of the time it's a wiser investment, your girlfriend is stupid so explaining it to her will be a challenge

Money doesn’t mean shit if you’re shitting yourself and senile

Sure you can pay people to take care of you but they often take advantage of old people and abuse them

well if you are senile then you should commit suicide either way

i would take a dependable pension over kids any day

That’s true

But I think about my gfs grandma. She’s not senile or anything but she’s a pretty fragile old lady and her husband suddenly died. she’d be so sad and alone if she didn’t have kids that could take her in

I’m pretty anti social but I’d like to at least have the opportunity to hang with someone that’s family when I’m old and alone

Nice blogpost


i would take a dependable pension over kids any day

t. A person who has no idea what their priorities will actually be when they're old.


Then why are DINKs all insufferable?

Zoomers are also big on suicide. Is the horseshoe like the golden ratio? Occurring throughout all of nature

Zoomer suicide is for attention. Boomer suicide is because they're finished living.

In reality though, the suicide rate for males older than 55 has always been the highest.

Research has found that one out of four senior citizens that attempt suicide dies, compared to one out of 200 attempts for young adults. While the precise reasons for these figures remain unclear, experts suggest...

...that fucking zoomers are the worst at everything.

Forgotten generation

Um, excuse me, but where’s our social security that we’re paying into?

Living is always optional

I never believed boomers when they said their generations got things done but I guess they might have a point.

Daily reminder that if you think "Medicare for all" or some simple silver bullet like that will solve all of our health care problems, you need to be actively pressuring your parents into suicide or else it won't be feasible.

Um sweetie check the sticky

There’s a new rule

No gay ass polo-tics posting

Oh yeah... 😒😒😒

I assumed that was about posts, not comments. I think there's a big difference between the two. Whatever.

Also, if local politics and weirdo 3rd world country politics are actually banned then basically I got no reason to ever post here again. Walid Joumblatt is up to his usual tricks right now and we're supposed to ignore it in favor youtuber drama or some shit like that?