Burning question of the day: What if the person who wants their intimate areas to be waxed is a woman with male genitalia?

67  2019-07-27 by tiptopkitkat


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Burning question of the day: What i... - archive.org, archive.today

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You know I wanna feel bad for foids but then I realize that the reason we live in this clown world is due to foids

1920 worst year of my life.


I don't even want to feel bad. They brought this upon themselves while talking down to every warnings given to them.

Those people brought it on themselves.

this author is like a discount MasterLawlz

I just do not understand gender theory

You're not supposed to be able to understand it. That's how they build "Gotcha" moments

You aren't supposed to
It's not even really supposed to be coherent
It's meant to undermine and divide.

Imagine not loving your pubes. There's so many benefits and on top of that they feel nice.

The Guardian must be having a hard time processing this situation. I'm surprised they were able to put out an article.

Clean up your act (and your house), straight men! A new study by University College London analyzed data from more than 8,500 heterosexual couples in Britain and found “gender norms remain strong” when it comes to the division of household chores.

I want to seriouspost so fucking hard at how retarded this sentence is.

Men - be women!

Women - be men!

The best part is that since it's impossible you can keep writing the same stupid shit forever.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Why all these post about himen getting their parts waxed?

I can't believe the same people that are telling women that they are right to cry rape 9 years after a consensual sexual encounter that they regretted are now telling women they are legally required to touch hairy nuggetpouch.

You stare long enough at the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Unfortunately for foids that abyss now includes a pair of huge trans nuts

British Columbia’s Human Rights Tribunal

human rights then: not getting shot in the face for being a certain race or religion

human rights now: wax my taint, fash
