A reminder that r/shitredditsays does everything we do Times 50 and they still have pinging

131  2019-07-27 by Ill_Regal


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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BuT wHaT aBoUt SrS

I mean, yes

> 2019

> but SRS!


So what we can have 24/7 bitching about SRDines but not the foids and troids of SRS?

Well I don't even bitch about SRDines, though they are silly. It's just that SRS is just a shell of its former self and not even worth the mention. At least SRD has some traffic.

Fair enough, I guess. Any drama behind why they tanked? Looks like they only have roughly 300 active users now (going off of how many updoots the posts are getting)

Not that I'm aware of. At its height, I think it was the only place to make fun of redditors and now there's just more subs for that. Or maybe it was something else, idk.

There was but I forget, one of the olds around here may know. I think they just went to other subs. GamerGhazi maybe?


They turned SRD into what it is today, among other accomplishments, though they had to mellow out a bit since they've gotten big enough have a noticeable footprint.

Haven't been there in a while, but

  1. their upvote downvote css was reversed, and that intentionally kept them of the front page and off the radar to most people.

  2. Totesmessengerbot has been banned in most major subs they used to xpost too, so they aren't getting the attention or recruitment that they used to.

  3. Finally, the rules in that sub are lengthy and at the discretion of the twitchy mods. Even if you are acting in good faith and have a PhD in LGBT intersectionality, not getting banned there is harder than riding a camel through the eye of a needle.

SRS should be an inspiration to us all in pissing off thousands of people without actually doing anything of note


Those people really confuse me

They’re stuck in 2014


Their beliefs have gone mainstream and they haven't noticed

Yeah that is quite strange

This is what Millenial boomerposting looks like

Back in my day we had to seethe and cope on Fark.

Thinking millennials and zoomers are different from boomers is an atomic cope.


Back in my day SRS was the /r/Drama of the rightoid world.

srs in not 2013?


I’m fairly certain this is the only subreddit that has ever had its ability to ping directly revoked.

We're just that good bb

Is srs even active anymore?

Bro I got banned from SRS 5 years ago when I was 15 because I posted a radical centrist opinion on there. SRS is obsolete af lmao.

Begone SRS shill

Whining about SRS. Nostalgia.


u srs

fak u