r/AmItheAsshole disagrees over whether women should be able to virgin-shame with impunity men.

151  2019-07-28 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. r/AmItheAsshole disagrees over whet... - archive.org, archive.today

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they obviously should be? who cares lmfao


Who are impunity men? Because that’s what you said based on how oh titled your post. Luckily for you I understood what you meant since I have a high IQ. Please resubmit this with an appropriate title.

I understood that English has relatively free word order for a language nearly completely devoid of case, and that this can be used to clarify meaning; if I had said "r/AmItheAsshole disagrees over whether women should be able to virgin-shame men with impunity", it could be interpreted to say that the men, not the women, had immunity to punishment. If you think it wouldn't be confusing, then neither is the title as I chose to word it.

Both you two are fagosexuals.

So what if I like dick? I'll take a feminine cock down my throat to own the libs

Hot. 🥵😩😫

I understand. Have a good day, fellow high-IQ individual

Is this what English majors do when they graduate?

based on how oh titled

How oh? Who is Oh?


Lmao 38k+ upvotes for an obvious incel LARP. Redditors are gullible as fuck.

So I responded by saying how she slept with well over a hundred men while she was in college, and that since everyone in the family knows this it’s not a big deal right? Turns out her husband didn’t know this amazingly, I genuinely assumed he must have known. he left the party angrily saying my sister mislead him about her past.

Pack of lies.

And what kind of person is the “kind” that gets to the triple digits exactly?


Baited with machine-like precision 😂 This guy is basically pressing a button in these people's heads to get them to say exactly what he wants so he can laugh about it with his incel buddies on discord lmao

Sounds pretty based to be

Maybe in some twisted eldritch Lovecraftian way some Incels are chads.

When they started turning social engineer, I began to respect them for a 'different' type of game.

Slut shaming gets women killed.


Utopian nonsense


It's a short hop and a skip between shaming a woman for fucking so many guys that she develops a fistula, and stoning them to death for adultery

You're over 100k karma friend its time for you to be put down.


(And that’s a good thing)

Slut shaming gets women killed.

Imagine thinking you should behave like you live in pakistan.

Yeah I’m not even attracted to little boys, I’d make an awful Pakistani.


Damn that chick laid down a mighty slap. What a champion


Sluts will always lie about their past they're too insecure to own the fact they were the village bicycle and want to lock down some sad man to pay for everything


Lmao @foids unable to comprehend why no one wants to marry a whore (not only that, but a whore who does it for free)

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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If you don’t want to get slut shamed don’t be a slut🤷‍♂️

In what universe is sleeping with 100+ people in a 4 year period considered even remotely normal or healthy.

Why is this the world we live in.

I constantly seek validation from other people, why are you judging me?

not enough attention from daddy

Or possible, realistically


We gave women too much freedom

Some people think that just because it is easy to sleep with over 100 men, it is also normal if you actually do it.

Nowhere. This was clearly written by someone who's understanding of college sex comes from porn.

In what universe is sleeping with 100+ people in a 4 year period considered even remotely normal or healthy.



thot calls someone a virgen, then gets called a whore. thot goes into meltdown and their marriage is almost ruined.

did I miss anything?

That it is an incel larp.

But does not matter. Reactions are the same.

Christ almighty you retards learn to write.

It's not "women should be able to virgin-shame with impunity men", it's "women should be able to virgin-shame men with impunity."

Christ almighty it's subject-complement-verb-object-complement not subject-complement-verb-complement-object.

Absolutely un-based and retardpilled.

How could you know it’s a complement if the word order was ambiguous?

There is literally nothing ambiguous about it. "With [adjective]" is a complement in a sentence. It complements the verb, always. No matter where it is, it complements the verb. For instance, "With impunity, she harasses men." The 'with impunity' modifies 'harasses' despite its location, which is the action of the subject, 'she'. Other complements are things like "should be", eg, "She should be running tomorrow." Its a conditional complement that gives context to an action verb.

The only rule of thumb out of all of this is you dont stack them right next to each other if you're referencing an object because it sounds weird. If you want to maintain the order you have you need double commas to make it sound better, e.g.: "women should be able to harass men, with impunity" or "women should be able to, with impunity, harass men."

well over a hundred men while she was in college

If you didn't already think this was fake from the contrived premise, this should prove it lol. This was clearly written by some socially stunted virgin who has no god damn idea what a reasonable number of sexual partners is. And who never bothered to think how a girl's entire family would know this giant number.

Here's how I think it went:

"OK so I want her to be a slut, but all women are sluts these days. The internet told me so. What's a typical number of partners in college? 30? 40? Yeah that sounds right. So I'll just triple it to make her a slut. 100. I mean that's only a new partner every week or so. Is that even enough? Better make it "well over 100" just in case."