The Steven Universe fandom once again shows how stable and sane they are.

63  2019-07-28 by Ghdust2


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. The Steven Universe fandom once aga... -,,

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Is steven universe the most gay show on tv?

No, because then it would be good.


No it's the faggiest

That title belongs to Jojo.




I’m not so sure you should downvote this particular post

You're not my mum, you can't tell me what to do.

I am way too stressed out from all the r/stevenuniverse stuff

Imagine being stressed out by a subreddit, on the website, reddit dot com.

Imagine caring about internet points lmao

50.000 Karma


6 years

50,000 Karma

  1. 000 Karma too much 🦕

60,000 Karma


I didn't complain about my Karma. Besides Trappy Banning it's the Onl reward I will ever get for my fetanyl posting.

Apathy is the path of the radical centrist


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Currently pming this fucking lunatic lmao.

Will update.

I was lying about my mental health

Yeah but everyone here can see you're completely insane so

You know what? Fuck you, you piece of shit. There are so many flaws with this shitty comment of yours. I am not crazy, delusional, or anything you’ve said you pathetic cunt. I don’t give a shit if the “atrocities” the SU fandom committed where on Twitter or YouTube or Tumblr or anything else. Those are things that actually happened. r/stevenuniverse is getting banned and you won’t stop me. And it will happen, and not because of some stupid made up time gap like a million years or a billion years or any shit that you make up. You’re wrong. You’re so wrong. The people who actually have brains think you’re wrong. You are a wrong, delusional, idiotic asshole. I have changed but you brought out my anger, so that’s why I’m insulting you. Your comment is 100% wrong on so many levels. You are wrong on so many levels. You have no right to be this rude to me, so fuck off. The admins actually listen to me. Why would anyone in the whole world listen to an insufferable user like you? Now piss off, bloody piker.

Is this another snapshill audition?


I mean either way you are a giant immature prick who doesn't know how to take an L

You do realize how easy it is to have multiple accounts on Reddit, right? Stop tying your ego up into your username and post history. Make new accounts regularly and post away. Although if you post stuff that references material from your other accounts, you're a dumbass. Treat new accounts as different personalities of a sort.

I'm on my 12th Reddit account. I nuke my post/comment history, delete the account and make a new one just about every year or so although I've kept a couple for longer. My usernames mean nothing and I use throwaway e-mail addresses from GuerrillaMail and others.

I don't do it to circumvent bans even though I've been banned plenty of times, I just do it on a sort of schedule of sorts. You can call it a loophole if you want, but since my intent is not to circumvent a specific ban or any ban really (I don't get emotionally involved with any particular sub and don't care if I can't post in them for long periods of time), there is nothing Reddit admins can do about it in terms of rule violations.

Also, learn how to take losses. Seriously. The way someone accepts a loss is a huge marker for the quality of their character in general. You don't look good right now. Hopefully you are some kind of super hormonal teenager - that means you can be salvaged. If you are in your 20's or older, god do I feel bad for you.