Apparently we're plebbit fags that post pets now

62  2019-07-28 by Dildokin


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Apparently we're plebbit fags that ... -,

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Ugh I wish my cats would get along with family’s dogs

Dogs and cats together are so cute

I know, I love it when they're a family together. 😊😊😊

OMG same! 😱 I hate it when the fur babies fight 😭

Those are some nice dogs tho

Golden Retrievers are too good for this world

whoever gave me silver, youre disgusting

I think I'm going to start posting pics of my kids and elderly family members to up the ante.

I thought only Masterlawlz could do that?

Awww she/he is an old puppy isnt he/she? Tell her/him I said she/he is a good boy

Both guys, dog is 10 cat is 7

I didnt ask about the cat

I was just saying theyre an old gay couple but fair enough

they qts