Teens discuss the Braincels Question

30  2019-07-28 by BasicallyADoctor


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Teens discuss the Braincels Questio... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I'm surprised that Braincels hasn't taken the opportunity to blackpill that sub.


I mean, zoomers already have a significant incel demographic.

They tried they failed keep up

Unironically being a wokie was a strategy by social conservatives to get kids to stop having premarital sex

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I fucking hate this sub

If you are not 30 and a virgin, it does not count.

If your hormones are raring but you and everyone you know are below the age of consent, can you be considered incel?

Depends how ugly you are.

Imagine being called an uncle by a 13 year old

Imagine calling yourself an incel at 14

Virgin shaming 14 year olds is a core part of the libertarian utopia.

Twitter brand accounts will shame 14 year old by calling them incels to the point where the kids start calling themselves incels, and the same tweets are gonna be riddled with ads for professional hookers specialized in fucking 14 year olds and taking their virginity. This will not only create jobs, but also ensure all our minors are healthy.

God I love free markets.

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Imagine not losing your virginity at 5

I got called a chad and told to kill myself within seconds of joining their discord because I said I had been in one relationship. Their head jannie had an anime girl avatar too lmao

kys chad