r/pcgaming argues over best janny.

25  2019-07-28 by Ghdust2


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. r/pcgaming argues over best janny. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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What did he do that they are calling racist?


Simply put, he is completely redpilled and has enough money to just not care.

He believes in Q

The only way they could suck him off any harder is if he said the gamer word.

Paro hasn't modded here in years. We have about 8 inactive/part-time moderators. We also have a high attrition rate because this community is rough to moderate. Out of the remaining mods I'm usually the only one on in the early ET morning.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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