r/enlightenedcentrism SEETHES as Ukraine attempts to move past their history of Soviet oppression

137  2019-07-28 by Human6928


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. r/enlightenedcentrism SEETHES as Uk... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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In other news, possession of child porn and tax fraud are the same crime now because they both are prohibited with roughly the same sentencing laws.


Gotta love western communists crying that people whose countries has been fucked over by commies are not too fond of their failed ideology, even if they scream "b-b-but the theory says everyone is equal and happy".

Oh shit, they made me seethe on r/drama.

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this IS politics


Russia is a fascist country who uses communist symbols as part of their propaganda. They use it like some Americans use Confederate flag.

I can't enjoy my popcorn because i'm seething too much about how stupid they all art

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🍿 🍿

how am I supposed to seethe about ahistorical takes with this shit going on? smdh

Imagine claiming to be centrist and just being another reeeeesist sub. Same with SRS and SRD

They definitely do not claim to be centrist

Tbh I never gave it much of a look. Is it just another mayo left sub?

Yes but this one is extra smug

Sounds like my kind of place 👌🏿

Those damn commies

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Thinking communism, a violent and anti-freedom ideology, is as bad as fascism, another violent and anti-freedom ideology is a proof that neo-Nazism is spreading.
These people is pathetic.

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It’s a leftist sub that thinks everyone that disagrees with the party line is a closeted republican therefore a nazi

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They're smugness is almost as much as a (and Allah forgive me for even mentioning their name) SRDine.

Almost come close to the smugness SelfAwarewolvescels


It isnt anti centrist but more like people who claim to be centrists but are actually far right

Go back to r/enlightenedcentrism retard

Ok buddy


Their shtick is that centrists are basically racists, nazi apologists and fascists. That's right kids centrism is far right.

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A quarter of reddit denies the holodomor was a genocide so

They deny anything even happened, like straight up "Census Errors" level of denial.

They use it like some Americans use Confederate flag.

Except there's no difference between the American flag and the Confederate flag. Fuck them both.



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So the actual pro-Russia types publicly use [cummy nest] symbolism but what they really want is Putin [fat schism].

When you accidentally reinvent h-shoe theory while trying to criticize h-shoe theory

*edited for our bot

How can one nation be so unfathomably BASED?


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Mods deserve le happy labour camp

Le hungry hammer is hangry

So the actual pro-Russia types publicly use communist symbolism but what they really want is Putin fascism.

This makes complete sense in terms of how fascists operate -- they never, ever call themselves fascists. In fact, they call the other side fascists!

As Mussolini said, "Always accuse the other side of what you yourself are guilty of."

really makes you think

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