Clingy tradwife's beta stay-at-home husband won't parent, do chores, or fuck her so she asks redpill subs how to keep him.

40  2019-07-28 by acidoverbasic


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This, but unironically.


  1. Clingy tradwife's beta stay-at-home... -,,

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Yeah I thought it was you stay at home and do chores and have sex.

It's because he's a stay at home dad he can't feel like a man doing what he's doing. Nothing you do will ever be good enough because he can't be happy with himself, so any little mistake you make will be harped on endlessly because that is the only power he feels he has. Bitching about you, trying to make you feel like shit in the same way he does.

I yearn for the day I can put away the suits, wear tie-dye shirts, cargo shorts, and white socks with sandals.

Easy living 👡🧦😎

ear tie-dye shirts, cargo shorts, and white socks with sandals.

I believe it’s a utilikilt, startup T-shirt, beard and vibrams five finger shoes now.

Fucking 200 dollar kilts and no one in the promo photos looks at all like they wanted to wear them but they needed that sweet sweet image rights money :P

I see guy every day where I get my coffee, he dresses as described. He clearly stays home with his kids while his wife works.

vibrams five finger shoes now.


Is this trad wife creative writing? Cause I like she made sure to include how she is now taking loads in the mouth.

If you preface with tmi you can say whatever dirty shit you want and still be a lady 💅

Yeah but never marry someone who doesn’t swallow in the first place. Simple rule to life.

I guess I know my wife's reddit account now.

He often says that after sex, somehow things derail and I end up bitchy again cause I got what I wanted. (OUCH!?!)


Sounds like a rly great relationship.

She sounds like a fucking keeper, tbqh.

Two weeks ago I had said "I can't fix things like you" by being manly and taking control, but instead what came out was "I can't fix thinfs like you, by yelling" and he will not let me forget it.

They sound like they deserve each other. She's a passive aggressive enabler/fixer and he's an angry man child.

I want a third child with him so badly and that our children are blessed to have us.

The two they already have sound like such a blessing, I'm sure this one will make everything better. Not that anything is wrong because the kids are truly blessed to have such mature and mentally stable parents.