in which srd somehow manages to make them look more pathetic than 11 hour reviews of capeshit

38  2019-07-29 by vtesterlwg


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. in which srd somehow manages to mak... -,,

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same goes for 'movie circle jerk'

several "oh yeah? well he said the nigger word ten years ago. suck it"


they also get mad at the (admittedly retarded) youtuber for doing in depth critiques of dumb capeshit nonsense, and then proceed to counterjerk in depth about that same capeshit nonsense but why it's actually good

also shit like this is fucking hilarious

also a great example of how 'movies circle jerk', like almost all srdine circlejerk subs, isn't actually a circlejerk sub at all and is just smugfagging

spoonfed and capeshit

Are we even slightly surprised at this point?

I love Mauler. Not gona lie, he's absolutly briliant at beating leftists in their own game - writting long paragraphs about stupid shit no one cares about.

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Lmao 2 comments in and they’ve already brought up professor Kermit.

Has anyone else ever managed to live in so many peoples heads by doing so little?

Are you implying that SRD doesn't have 11 hour reviews of capeshit?
