Neckbeards supreme fear women will ruin their hobby despite never being within 100 feet of said sex

32  2019-07-29 by BigBrownDog12


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I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Neckbeards supreme fear women will ... -,,

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In their defense foids do ruin everything

This is a CIA psyop

Thanks buddy I think everyone who is smart enough knows this already.

Glow in the darks out out out

Fucking Warhammer 4K nerds should just be happy that anyone is willing to take part in their overpriced doll-painting game. If it weren't for the fact that NEETs can steal from their mommies' purse for toys that "hobby" would be dead by now.

They could be buying Funko Pops instead.

Funko "fans" are scum.

Funko "fans" are scum.

The ones who buy those Nintendo ones are a close second.

"They're called amiibo and they're an investment!" is what my weeb friend told me

I think it’s like 50% dead anyhow isn’t it

It should be 100% dead.

Your news is out of date. They fired their shitty CEO and have been making money hand over fist for the past couple years.

Do you think I care?

On /r/Drama?

Absolutely not.

How did you respond so quick.

I'm bored, no one's posting anything decent, and I have a really weird workflow for interacting with reddit. Also eating lunch and browsing for the worst mankind has to offer today.