The soyboys of r/menslib discuss how the thought of physical strength makes them uncomfortable.

309  2019-07-29 by Ghdust2


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. The soyboys of r/menslib discuss ho... -,,

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I had an argument with a ~225lb ice chest in a trailer door and I did not win that argument. It made me physically uncomfortable in the knee and foot


I'm in a petty fight about half a piece of fruit with a friend

I was being abused by my younger sister

Lmao just when you think menslib couldn't possibly get any more pathetic.

argument about a piece of fruit.

This is peak menslib

Worse; half a piece of fruit

No, it wasn't a bottle of soylent and he hadn't just raped a girl.

Is it really "liberation" if you're terrified of every single thing?

I guess if it keeps them from acting on their impulse to rape everything.

And still it's not enough, is it?



they are cultivating mass


Lol for real. For a subreddit that's supposedly all about rejecting traditional gender roles/behaviors they sure do like to make it very clear how "big and physically imposing" they are.


It's a Reddit meme whenever there's a thread about some woman feeling insecure walking alone at night, all the skinny 5'7 Reddit nerds start lamenting just how scary and intimidating they must be to women.




Does it stand for mens librarians?

she never abused me physically, only by shouting in my ears (I have sensitive hearing) and causing panic attacks

Lmao just when you think menslib couldn’t possibly get any more pathetic.

It's incredible.

I know, right. Dude was fighting over a slice of watermelon...


every single dude in that thread either has raped or will rape a woman in their life, and I don't even think that's debatable. jesus CHRIST that entire sub is just pure, unfiltered projection

You don’t have to get amped up to the point of frowning in order to express you’re angry. It’s very imposing on another person when you act like that

frowning is bad praxis, folx

Do people think like that? Insanity.


imagine just walking around all day, catering your every thought and natural instinct to the idea that you must NEVER under ANY circumstance make a woman feel anything at all, you must be totally invisible to the female eye.

sounds fucking exhausting and a top-tier way to never get laid

Male burqa when

Which head is that for?

Mazel tov

Around male feminists, hide your ladies friends

amped up to the point of frowning


Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good frown


fuck I must the worst person out there because on any particularly busy day at work I frown 80% of the time lol.

I don't think I've seen anyone frown other than literal children

People do it when they concentrate.

Unless your face is this 24/7 your normal face is a frown. This (ignore the tears) is a pout.

I can't imagine having such repressed emotions FROWNING is considered "amped up"

I just assume that anyone who talks about power imbalances as often as they do is secretly very fearful that they won't be able to stop themselves from exploiting their power imbalance over other people if they have the chance.

I'm 6' tall and pretty fast. I prefer to date shorter women. There's never been a single woman I've dated that I couldn't physically overpower more or less at will. That's probably true for most of us in here. If it gives you deep angst to consider that you may one day snap and physically overpower your girl against her will, you are fucked up and probably a rapist. The rest of us normal people don't think that way.

That's probably true for most of us in here.

alternatively: about half the supposed rugged manly men on this sub like cats and flirt with our tranny mods unironically, so I feel that you might be overestimating the general /r/drama populace

tbh that entire post was basically me trying to eke out the last possible bit of my heterosexual veil. I am sexually a very deeply conflicted man and I use posts like the above to display my hetero and male credentials to the world.


TFW your biggest college crush had small boobs, an alto voice, and short, unkempt hair like this.

Part of me wonders if I was bussypilled long before I found this place.

I like big boobs but that chick is cute would bang give name pls.

If only the image was attached to a blog that very specifically stated the individual the blog was dedicated to 🤔


You’ll be disappointed, she didn’t have that haircut for long.

prefer cats to dogs

Absolutely haram


Not to mention that most /r/drama users are most definitely into making doggo comments at /r/rarepuppers


Look we can't all have gators for pets, Jacques

Jacques is too fancy for a coonass name. Probably more like a Eugene but goes by his childhood nickname "T-nig"



This thread just became awesome.

Your tranny mods?

tbf they prob find that hot

I'm 6' tall and pretty fast.


You know what? My parents used to tell me "they laugh at you because you're different, you should laugh because they're all the same."

Maybe you should think about that young man

ure rite sorry bby

The only sense in which most of these losers are ever going to be "rapists" is in the sense that eventually they're going to attempt to have sex with a girl who's trained herself to believe that any attempted act of heterosexuality is "rape", and they're going to agree with the accusations and flagellate themselves for it publicly and pathetically because they've trained themselves to believe the same thing.

My resting face is a frown lmao

Imagine thinking a frown is amped up

i actually have awful resting bitch face for a dude

must be my inner misogynisy and list for dominance bubbling to the surface

Fuck that sounds hot tbh

I had to look for that among the essays people were writing on the subject and the frowning comment was ABSOLUTELY serious. That is the line they ware drawing. They truly live on another fucking planet.


So I received the fbi report about OP of that thread. First, op is a ftm alpha. Second, you know the watermelon that op mentioned in that thread?

The full story for that is

The TLDR is that op has frat bro friends who mock and disrespect him all the time but he keeps hanging out with them as he nobody else tolerated him. He and his gf took a watermelon to party hosted by the friends which the friends took but was not eaten at the party.

The exceptional OP shows up at the friends house the next day and angrily demands the watermelon back after a night of crying about it not being appreciated. The friends start trolling tfo her. OP tells gf that they will not be going to visit the friends anymore because they were mean to him and have always gaslighted him. Gf tells OP to fuck off and she’ll visit them every week if she wants.

OP copes across multiple subreddits. I am still not convinced the OP is not a 24 hour ops just due to sheer intensity of the entitled SJewery of the story.

This is a CIA psyop designed to effeminate men so they can be easier to lock up in Obummers FEMA camps.

Obummers FEMA camps

They're real, that's where SRDines are made

Obummer's biggest flaw was not rounding up all the whites I to FEMA camps and implementing Sharia Law

I have health issues that sometimes make driving and doing the dishes impossibly painful


its always that fibro myaligia made up shit

How is it only drama queens manage to get this one specific undiagnosable disease.

and the friends got tired of literally doing everything for this lazy piece of human trash

It's funny that while it's a bucket diagnosis, it will most often tell you more about someones mental health/personality than any other diagnosis.

my mom has it. she's 65 and it stops her from doing literally nothing

Severe puff-knuckle and hot tub foot


So their contribution to the potluck was a watermelon they didn't even bother to cut themselves? No need to ghost me, I wouldn't invite their cheap asses back anyway

The lazy ass kept pestering the friend to cut it too. Friend shoulda told em to fuck off

Holy fuck this the saddest sack of shit person I’ve seen in awhile. Dude the part at the end where he says doing dishes is sometimes debilitating 🤣🤣 what a fucking pussy

OP’s gf is fucking every dude there and he knows it. She’s getting basted in the bedroom while the turkey is getting basted in the kitchen.

OPs gf is also a troid

So the dude is literally crying over a 0.99¢ fruit.

His post history is a train wreck but this post in particular is weird as fuck


and she’s autistic! shocker!

didn’t have any gender dysphasia

Her own brain thinks she’s female and is telling her to stop with the attention whoring. (

partner is a mtf trussy.

decided she was trans in a eureka moment and came out to everyone she knows in a month

My bet is on 40%

If your brain is telling you you’re not trans then why would you think you’re fucking trans? What the fuck? This goes beyond transtrending.




If you lean close enough to her you can literally hear her brain screaming


hooooooooooooooooooly fucking shit

I think modern technology has completely fried our brains in the West.

These losers have always existed, we were just blissfully unaware of them since they're all antisocial shut-ins.

This is your brain on 5G death rays



Like this person sounds awful, the friends sound awful, everyone sounds awful. The friends not letting him have the watermelon back? LOL wtf? Like who asks for it back in the first place, but then who says no? They have to just be purposely fucking with him. Who takes half a fucking watermelon to a party anyways? Thanks for bringing your leftovers bro.

They spent more money driving back to get the watermelon than what they would have spent just buying a new one.

why is transtender a thing

I do this all the goddamn time with my SO. I literally don't even know my voice is raised, but she sure fucking does. Makes me think there's something wrong with me, but really, there's something wrong with just about all of us.

That's called gaslighting sweaty, and it's not something you should put up with from a foid.

He's right though. There is something wrong with all of them


I'm going back to the gym today jut to spite these soylent abusers

Don’t even need to go to the gym. Just walk around. They’re all fatheads.

I just had a look at that sub. I have a psychlology degree and its hilarious how they’re basically teaching dudes to unlearn all self respect because it’s evil to have a spine.

I have a psychology degree.


I am unemployed and in debt

psychology is larp tbh

Big brain take.

psychology is fake


It isn’t a real science, that’s for fucking sure

Taking Psych 101 as a bird course to increase your GPA doesn't men you "have a psychology degree", moron


This is a dumb argument because none of these sadbois have the physical strength needed to restrain a foid.


Additional lore is that OP bravely protested this by unlawfully breaking into the friends house and cut & stole half the watermelon.

I wish I was making this shit up.

His friends mercilessly mocked him across all social media and he can’t go out of the house anymore due to embarrassment.

He is rationalising this by deleting all social media and claiming that he’s just too cool for their bullshit anymore and they are the real petty people in a situation where he stole from a house for a fucking watermelon piece.

I mean I usually avoid misgendering because it’s too old atm but all I’ll say is that;

Only a biological woman can pull off this level of petty masterful drama. You guys should mod this motherfucker.

Jesus Christ

Only a biological woman can pull off this level of petty masterful drama.

Op is a trans man who makes absolutely no effort to pass

this is what happens when white people watch mulan



It's a "SHITS hangs out there because even he looks like a non-retard compared to those morons" episode

Every time

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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A bunch of ostensible males who believe that men are defective women are terrified of acting like men

Holy shit that's amazing. I don't like guns, but jfc that cuntsman dude is just pathetic lol

Um, that's fucking incredible.


didn’t have any gender dysphasia

Her own brain thinks she’s female and is telling her to stop with the attention whoring. (

partner is a mtf trussy.

decided she was trans in a eureka moment and came out to everyone she knows in a month

“I feel like the moment you have to resort to physical force in an argument, you already lost.”

If I beat you up over an argument over a watermelon and subsequently take possession of the watermelon, I have won on all fronts.

Also hilarious to find out that menslib is majority ftm trans.


These guys should read jordan peterson

When I was being abused by my younger sister...

One good smack could have ended that shit.

/r/menslib is a sub for men in the same way that /r/blackpeopletwitter is a sub for black people

The implication of danger is a really big part of basic social interaction for a lot of people. I'm embarrassed to admit that I sometimes use nonverbal cues of intimidation, like speaking more loudly and allowing my voice to fall to it's natural, deep pitch range, or standing tall with my arms out because I'm tall and strong and standing over others shows that size difference, or even holding eye contact more intensely than necessary. I don't do these things deliberately, and if I catch myself I correct my behavior, but I internalized these social actions since birth because society teaches us that being a manly man means potentially being a physical threat to those around us who won't fall in line.

what a fucking pussy holy fucking shit jesus

was about to skip the gym today, read this, feel inspired. thanks OP

and allowing my voice to fall to it's natural, deep pitch range

Dude walks around speaking at a higher pitch voice on purpose...



Okay. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I'll rescind that since I now understand you better.

Guess what: simply existing as a large man makes women think I'm "expressing myself physically" when I'm upset

But hey THANKS for the long list of ways in which I should bend over backwards to accommodate the people who see my normal expression of anger as a threat to them, despite the fact that I've never, nor would I ever, hurt another person out of simple anger.

Men: allowed to be angry, but only in this tiny box I've created!!!!

Kind of blowing my mind that this is coming from TitrC. /r/menslib is so neutered that it sometimes turns one of their biggest proponents into an MRA

If I exclusively fucked the low-t "men" from r/menslib for the rest of my life, would it even make me gay?

What the fuck. At first I thought the title was an exaggeration but nope. While it’s not likely anyway, these things shouldn’t breed.

Fuck, those users are more foid than I'll ever be.

A manlets only fear is his little sister hitting him with a fat reee

