Extreme levels of COPE as US Soccer audit finds their women do indeed get paid more than men

307  2019-07-30 by odysseyOC


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. Extreme levels of COPE as US Soccer... - archive.org, archive.today

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USSF let Rapinoe have her time in the spotlight and then drops this on her sorry ass after everyone has stopped paying attention. That's how you respect a woman, fellas

Centrist af

Okay this is epic

Proof that Lesbians are better men then men.



Don't get why we pay men to play a lesbian's sport in the first place.

Crosspost to /r/sports and /r/soccer pls.


I’m not seeing this there

There's a thread in /r/sports catching momentum. I wish we could ping so I could lead that lolcow posting the USMNT twitter post back to the sweet green pastures of /r/drama.

Post the link

It's like the fourth post on the front page just go look don't be so fucking lazy.

Says the lazy ass who didn't post the link.

I have it, I just don't want you to have the things you want. There's a difference between being lazy and intentionally unhelpful.

Wow. Now you're bullying me. I'm going to go get my dad to talk to your's.

Oh fuck don't tell my dad that's not cool dude.

Too late. Now your dad is going to beat you again.

He's gonna take away my iPad now too what have you done?!?!?! 😭😭😭














































don't fucking Johnny Test me


no u


wow that was sooooo hard. I think it might have taken 30 whole seconds, if not more


wow that was sooooo hard. I think it might have taken 30 whole seconds, if not more


If America is anything I came go believe it is, a game between men and women teams should be held.

Women will be paid 100K each just to show up, men will get 200K each if they win.

There's got be some Don King of soccer to arrange that.

I would pay to see 4 men on 9 women. In soccer I mean, fucking pervs.

Thots audited again

Another thodit another failure of women to hold the reigns of society. Margaret thatcher was right

Thots BTFOd



It's a literal thot audit

Apples to oranges

Penises to vaginas

So the argument is that when you include a 2nd job, they’re paid more? Mook Williams ‏ Yes. It’s pretty unconvincing to me. I’d like to see the numbers without NWSL in it.

how can you be this fucking brainlet


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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LMAO the women were being disingenuous as fuck in order to get more money.

To the people who don't want to read paragraphs:

The women get paid a salary and bonuses(sponsors, ads, promotions, etc.).

The men only get bonuses.

The women were complaining that their bonuses were less than the men's bonuses, when in total they get paid more and they get health coverage, which the men don't.

When asked if they wanted to switch to the men's pay model, they said no and asked for more money.

TBF most of the men on the US team make literally 100x more than the best women do in the club realm. National team compensation is a huge chunk of a female players income, while for most male players its an utter pittance compared to their massive club salary. Many of them just donate all their national team pay

Of course this is totally fair, because mens club soccer is insanely lucrative while womens club soccer....is not



They just won a fucking World Cup. Give them more money. Or not. But I can’t fault them for asking - they’re American sports icons.

sure, they should renegotiate their contract, but what they did was say that they're being discriminated against because men are paid more, even though that's not true. so in summary, typical american wamen


Equality amirite?

Foids gunna foid

Sue the foids

Brian Finneran is fucking commenting on that tweet. I haven’t seen that boomer since he played for the Falcons.

Why is a football player commenting on women’s soccer lol.

The women's team wins games, so it seems natural they're paid more.

im still confused as to why they hyped the fuck out of that womens soccer thing like anyone actually cared irl

media was going crazy about it

American media is always going to hype an international sport in which the US team is dominant. It doesn't matter that it's the women's soccer team, they wipe the floor with the competition so burgers are gonna gloat for at least a quick sec

It's not that it's about women. It's about America winning. The fact is that if the us womens team was garbage no one would support them...


Could it be that the men just suck and the women are that much better? I mean this could easily be explained away by market forces.

But does it say whether or not they feel like they're being paid less?

I wonder what brings in more money: women's world cup of soccer or the little league world series?