Jealous nerd with his dad's old Samsung S6 wants everyone to know that Apple didn't invent everything

27  2019-07-30 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Jealous nerd with his dad's old Sam... -,,

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Imagine caring this much about what kind of damn phone someone has lmao. Who cares.

The only thing I care about is that they were invented in America and that we can immediately seize the technology from the rest of the world if they start getting ungrateful.

Unless you're China.

It's almost like the field of design is a thing and extremely big business

Dude Windows Phone lmao

You don't have to like or buy their design, but you can't deny their success.

Hitler was pretty successful at killing Jews. 9/11 successfully terrified a nation.

oh come on.

people who upgrade their phone constantly are the least interesting people around tbh

and apple fans are insufferable and dont know anything about tech

the cope radiating off of this post gave me rf burns

lmao yes im very jealous of a phone i could buy if i wanted

No one said that man. Crack open a jar of mayo and chill.

tf am i supposed to be coping about then lol

It's hilarious because the only people I ever see who obsess over hating Apple like this are always underage. I used to be the same way, when my dad didn't let me get the iPhone 5 I seethed for weeks and spammed the roblox forums and /g/ with anti-apple posts.

My 12, 10 and 9 year old cousins are like this too. Absolutely seethe every time they see someone using an iPhone because mommy made them get an LG 😂

Technology is iterative, so "inventions" are kind of arbitrary and depend mostly on how you draw the line. That's why like twelve countries claim they invented the airplane.

Why these STEM kids haven't figured this out is beyond me.

The Wright Brothers invented the airplane.