Circlebroker goes on a pro-circumcision crusade, it ends as well as you might expect

62  2019-07-31 by taytaybraps


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Circlebroker goes on a pro-circumci... -,,

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Just stop with the chopping off parts of the kid you don’t like or understand.

Nope! My kids dick is gonna look like Brad Pitt, not like Joe pesci in an overcoat. Fuck that noise.

+1 It’s not even up for discussion. My future kid is getting snipped.

him in 15 years: "dad why do I need lotion just to spank my monkey?"

The need for Lotion is a myth. But of course please continue with your graboid lookin penis circlejerk

Based and precumpilled

If it’s such a myth why is using lotion to jack off an absolutely common gag in Americana but literally nowhere else in the world

Do you have sex, kid?

Imagine asking kids if they have sex

I bet you don't even smoke weed, kid. Time's up!

A wild pedo has been spotted.

Because nobody watches TV or movies that aren't American. Also, lotion is like a luxury item, like getting pop instead of water at a restaurant.

My point was that comedy in America will reflect American cultural norms, and America is one of the most penis cutting happy countries in the western world.

My poi t is, They probably do, but no one watches them.

Based child mutilators.

Thank you for giving my sons a leg up in the genetic competition not being weighed down by a disfigured dick or the resulting lifetime of mental baggage.

If he’s gets mental baggage over getting a prettier dick because of a snip he’s obviously a pussy.

Well I can tell you which one has a beeter chance to procreate. It's The one that doesn't need to scoop cum out of his foreskin with his finger

This is the saddest cope.

What's it like to know your mother and father chose to mutilate you at birth? The two people who are supposed to care most about you in the entire world just decided to permanently rip a chunk off of your dick that you can never repair or grow back. What's it like to know that sex is better for me than it is for you in ways that you can't imagine because you literally don't have the same nerves to experience it the way I do?

Does the idea of inflicting that sort of pain on your imaginary son help make up for the hate you know your parents must have had for you? Or do you just not care because your soul is as damaged as your dick?

Yo snappy this comment right here. ☝🏾😂

I too am preoccupied about my infant son's willy and how it looks.


It low-key sounds like you do.

getting unnecessary cosmetic surgery for your infant child's genitals - not preoccupied

calling u a weirdo for doing cosmetic surgery on your baby's dick - preoccupied

galaxy brain take here

By all means feel free to keep your kids penis looking like some hentai tentacle. Leaves more opportunities my kid.

mutilated cock

cartoon porn watching weeaboo pedophile

You're never going to breed lmao

I hate to break it to ya bud, but we're Workin on number 2. 😎🤰

I don't believe you lmao 👍

Search my post know it to be true.

Dicks that look like Jesus's 😎

It’s funny how when you add “routine” to circumcision it’s normal, but somehow “routine female genital mutilation” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

It’s not even close to the same thing. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

✂️ ✂️

Except it is? Deciding to remove the clitoral hood seems the same? It’s just removing a random flap of skin?

Would you calm down, you're making a fool out of yourself

Yeah it is. There are many different forms of both male & female circumcision, ranging from removing the labia & sewing the vagina shut down to a ceremonial pinprick on the clit for women, and for men it ranges from trimming the tip off the prepuce to slitting the underside of the dick all the way into the urethra (I slept with a guy that had this; when erect it folded like a banana split).

FGM should be routine. It is simply a matter of modesty and religious belief and by Allah, if you insult me I will give you a taste of my shoe.

Unpopular on Reddit, but still number one IRL. Sorry turtlenecks, the handsome dick is here to stay.

39% is not quite anybody's definition of "number one", and it's lower than that if you exclude Muslim majority countries in the Middle East and Africa where it's the most prevalent.

burger cope BTFO

Muslims don't star in pornos for a reason bro

39% of the population but 90% of the girls. Cope harder turtleneck

90% of girls are circumcised? I'm no gynecologist but that doesn't sound right.

Im from pakistan.

90% of girls have circumcized penises?

So you're implying that cut men are closet trans? Makes sense.


Is there any widespread reddit opinion that would produce an even more retarded kneejerk contrarian reaction in cb wokies? Not a rhetorical question btw, it would be cool to find one and try to coax them into supporting it.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Not really, if it didn't increase a mans chance of reproduction, it wouldn't be practiced

nigga a circumcised penis isn't the equivalent of blue eyes

It's better than that

Lol I don't care much about the circumcision debate but there's really no good argument for it. The best one though is "I want my child's penis to be more attractive!"

You can thank Israel for that


A marginal amount is enough to justify it to those mens partners

Circlebroker advocating we pre-cuck children by circumcising them. I'm not totally surprised, tbh.