r/aznidentity absolutely SEETHING at Quentin Tarantino’s newest kino.

52  2019-07-31 by Ghdust2


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tbqfh, they have a point and the movie despite all shit in it is an absolute dreck...

Tarantino has always been a power tard, but now that he’s worn out the gritty film with witty ‘’’realistic dialogue’’’ shtick his stuff is exhausting. Hateful Eight might as well have been Samuel Jackson shitting his pants while watching an abortion, would have at least been coherent.

im a big QT fan and i fucking hated the hateful eight. His movies have been a cluster fuck ever since his editor died.

Ohhh, is that what happened? Makes me feel bad for him a bit.

I noticed something was changing with Django. That KKK scene was just...so bad. I get that it was cameo porn or whatever, but it was amazing how it seemed to last 25 minutes and tanked the energy that had been built up. Should have been couple jokes, they die, boom. Guessing he insisted on leaving it all in when it should have been bonus footage or something.



only three appear

Based, gonna see the movie this week.

They refer to asian Chads as Chans 🤣🤣

Christian Asian Chads are ChristChans.

I mean, when are they not seething?

I'm guessing when Saudi said that Uighurs deserve it.

They really make Bruce Lee look like an arrogant loser who is easily defeated?

That would annoy me and I’m not even Asian or into martial arts

For me, it's because the movie and that scene isn't about Bruce Lee. He's a prop to build on the character of Cliff and the theme of old school Hollywood transformation.


That's what he was though

It was the character who fought him (Pitt) having a flashback to when he got fired for fighting Bruce lee on set, and trying to justify that producer not wanting to work with him again. Pretty much a fantasy on his part.

in a misogynistic film full of objectifying shots of his actress's legs

Dude also dated Margaret Cho IIRC (who later went lesbian, maybe because of him).

Is this peak aznidentity cope ?


when isn’t /r/azncels seething

it’s literally a bunch of 16-24 year old ricecels that are all like 5’6 with 4 inch dongs that are extremely bitter about it

Like incels, they are right about their assessment of their place in the world but wrong in that they think there is literally anything else they can do but cope and seethe

Like incels, they are right about their assessment of their place in the world

Sometimes, they even cite scientific papers to show that evolution intended that (even below average) women only want to have sex with top tier men. I mean, it is obvious for everyone with half a brain that women prefer attractive men, but it is nice that there are scientific studies that support this. And incels know these studies and use them to show how right they are.

But they still think that modern degeneracy is a reason why ugly men don't get laid. They still don't get that it is a good thing that ugly men do not get laid. They show you studies "look, this is how nature intended it, you stupid soy boy" and then go "why don't women settle for a 2/10 cry baby man, fucking whores!".

it's time to stop making asian men the butt of their own depravity

Lead the way.