R-slur on /r/occult accidentally gets a swastika tattoo

91  2019-07-31 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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I did notice it before I got the tattoo. I decided to keep it. Everyone else who is ignorant will have something to say about it but I am prepared to answer questions if need be. Otherwise I'm not worried.

Lol it was unintentional. Didn't realize it was there until later, before I got the tattoo. I figure my subconscious put it there so I just went with it.

make up your mind nazbol lmao

I decided to keep it. Everyone else who is ignorant will have something to say about it but I am prepared to answer questions if need be. Otherwise I'm not worried.

Lol yes because aren’t just going to avoid the dude with the swastica on his forearm. Limiting public facing employment to, where I work is tattoo friendly and no one would ever let this guy meet with clients without long sleeves.

worse: it's a foid

Ok nobody is going to think some weird magic shit is a swatika.

technically the swastika is a spiritual symbol. Both before and after nazis.

I am prepared to answer questions if need be.

Couple answers down she says she forgot the meaning... But it's supposed to be forgotten...

You forgot it's because you're racist yo

Why do redditors always start smart ass comments with “it’s almost like...”

Cause they have the the mark of SRDine. There have been an influx of "It's almost like.. " and "I mean..." posters here. Be sure to direct them to the nearest cannery.

To be fair...


Imagine if...

It's almost like they are a bunch of maladjusted, socially stunted retards who co-opt random phrases and words to make themselves sound like they are with the cool crowd.

Imagine starting things with "it's almost like."

It’s almost like I imagined coping

Proto-(insert what it isn't)

Lmao, the swaztika doesnt need any rehabilitating. I am Indian, it represents something way more ancient than nazi’s.

White people fucked it up for white people. Dont pretend that your culture that adopted it less than 60years ago overwrites thousands of years of mine.

based street pooper

The only race that is not based is mayos.

Are you being racist?

Shut up nerd

adopted it less than 60years ago overwrites thousands of years of mine.

Based 60's hippy Hitler

based street pooper

Yeo, that tells the story pretty damn well.

I could have done the sensible thing and added an extra line or two to break up the noticeable swastika but I said fuck it. This thing sucks so much already I might as well keep the swastika and maybe someone may actually talk to me.


Expert here: that's actually a spastika


Expecto patronus under a swastika. Peak mayo


Disappointed in rdrama for taking this long to point it out, this sub has really gone downhill.

Also, real life LARPers of wandshit lmao

Expecto patronus

Is that the spell that makes dad finally come home from his trip to get cigarettes?

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white wizards

Did anyone save the image? I want to know what this little nazi got tatted up with.

Doesn't work for me, no idea why...

The op who posted the tattoo has a sad cringe post history. Imagine getting blasted off dmt and mdma multiple times a month while raising an 8 year old. Abuse of those two probably explains the want for spiritual bullshit tattoos.
