Everything about this is peak Reddit

149  2019-07-31 by Ghdust2


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125 thousand people upvoted that shit

1000s lines of code

A completed game


The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Everything about this is peak Reddi... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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This is r/gaming, so there is a 99% chance this is a repost that has been reposted 20 times already.

Why does Reddit feel the need to say every woman is attractive. She isn’t attractive.

Girl gamer, girl nerd, girl wearing Led Zeppelin shirt. This is the tryhard of all tryhards.

And it’s better than fallout 76

The EMP cannot come soon enough.

Should come and destroy all their games

I’ve done worse

I’m not surprised

I like how she couldn't just post screens of her game, or the cabinet. It had to be a picture of HER ("HEY GUIZE I'M GRIL!")

Exquisite meme



She looks like a foid from an 80s high school movie who pulls the full Pygmalion.

Dem milkies tho.



This is a 100% sure way to have sex, as every redditor knows.

Not gonna lie, she makes my mayo jar pop

My standards are low and I like boobs.

I haven't been single in a long time, but when I was I banged chicks way grosser than the girl in that photo. it's called a slump-buster and there's nothing wrong with it.

Yeah sure but don’t act like Reddit and say that bitch is a 10/10 or even a 5/10. Probably a solid 4.

She got tig ol bitties

she's kinda cute and has good taste in boomer music

Maybe one in a million thirsty DMs get answered, and it only takes a second to call someone cute. That's one measly second for a measly chance as scoring some titty pics. Plus she put herself in the picture so you know she wants some of that sweet validation.

Never tell me the odds - han solo

Nerd with giant tits, that's the dream

Not really

Well not for fags of course. Try and imagine like a nerdy guy with washboard and and a comically oversized dong, you know something youd be into

Would still fuck the nerd right out of that plain looking titcow

She would be if she wore makeup, did her hair better, changed up those terrible glasses and lost 5-15lbs. Like every other foid.

Also wore better clothes and didn’t dress like some weirdo hipster


is it trans?


And my axe wound!

Her body is pretty good.

Brother, god no.

She has a nice ass and tits don't fool yourself

And cute

She's got a butter face. I wouldn't call her cute.

Probably not as nice as you think because she’s a bit overweight and is why she is wearing such lose fitting clothing.

I like my women with a little bit more meat on them.

True you are Hispanic

I only date mayos tho. 🤫

Ill happily take up your slack with thicc latinas. Though you do have to intersperse bland white girls in to make sure you arentbthe crazy one.




What is that, a Children's Museum? Gotta be, with those coloring book pages stapled on the walls. Because that game looks like the kinda thing a 4 year-old would slam their meaty little paws on for 30 seconds and then meander off because they have the attention span of an amoeba. Good job foid you definitely made a kids' toy but I guess all video games are kids' toys anyway huh? All these goddamn overgrown children still playing with childrens' things instead of growing up.


Unironically what's wrong with making kid's toys? I think it's a cool puzzle. You've gotta make something which kids will find more interesting than the box it came in.

You ever met a kid? They will just play with the box anyway.



You kinda look like a younger Weird Al Yankovic

Fairly based.

Tbh shes got some nice milkers

Eat it and not im fat??




Baste white wamen am I right, fellow reddipedes???

That is not how dudes who live in the forest look


Ikr, its how suburbanites and other metrosexuals look.

y he look like the Batman shooter

Not in the least bit surprising.


Where's the drama OP?

Why is she dressed like an 80s movie's extra character?

I'm scared to say I think I knew her IRL. And the pics of the boyfriend just reinforce it.

Code duplication is an anti-pattern. If she wrote more than 1000 lines of code in just 3 weeks, chances are her code is shit.
