Retard posts a photo of herself covered in cum on /r/cumtown thinking it's a cum fetish subreddit. Cumtowners dig through her history to find a sexy surprise!

159  2019-07-31 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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I'll never forgive you for making me see this. This was more traumatizing than watching the Christchurch shooting.

after seeing that I really don't get that fetish

That doctor who shirt though

i hit enter without thinking what i would post now i have a comment i can't think of what to do *insert pithy David Tenant joke here*

ugh don't do meth, kids. Stick to high class cocaine.

this but unironically

That body is beat


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Retard posts a photo of herself cov... -,,

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Giving Hope Solo some competition for ugliest vagina ever

Dude wtf is that

Jesus I’m more thankful than ever for my gfs vagina

We all are bro

Lmao I was thinking the same thing, I can't even imagine what going down on that must be like...



It looks like an open wound. Oh wait...

What's up with those pants

Everyday we stray further from god

I fucking gagged 🤢

When the dinosaurs 🦖 return they will finally solve the problem of gussy.

Soon child there will be the consumption. No gussy. No trussy. Only dussy

It is known.

looks like someone shot a Christmas ham with a hollow point

Yeah, a .50 Beowulf hollowpoint...



oh my

What the fuck is going on there? Are you a post op mtf tranny? That’s a mangled ass looking snatch


Imagine the smell.

How do I view a deleted post pls

She’s gross all over. 🤢🤮🤮 The only healthy thing I seen was the banana.

I want to shove my banana in you if you know what I mean.

i dont know what you mean coudl you elaborate pls

I want to insert my hog into her chud hole


Yes. You’re a feeder

Yeah I wanna feed you my cum. I like thicc girls what can I say?

You’re gonna be sorely disappointed. I’m less than 120!

Gaining weight is easier than losing it.

You offering a nine month plan?

I've been offering one for a while sweetcheeks

I can offer you a 5 year plan

Cute face, mangled meth bod

Fuck I was about to post that.

Imagine thinking turning your genitals into whatevrr that was will make you a happier person.

Lmao she deleted everything

Lol good

seriously tho she's got that truck stop body

Lot lizard




Thats a postop

I don't think so. Her entire body looks fucked up, not just the gussy. I think it's the combination of losing a shitload of weight and having stretch marks/excess skin everywhere and being hooked on meth.

I couldnt zoom in man. My stomach is too weak. Thanks for reporting back

Posted a nude photo to funny, kinds fitting

That is haram.

haha dumbass, I'm in Alaska.

Holy shit I know this girl. I fucked the shit out of her, is this in Alaska?


Wtf happened to Her asscheeks? Like wtf looks like a burn victim.

I think it might be a tranny. I know very little about drug addicts, but this person seems too fucked up for it to just be meth

Yeah being a 'drug addict' doesn't make your ass look like a burn victims ass. It kills your body, but not like that. Also don't think she is a tranny at all, her vag looks pretty normal for a used up fuck hole.

Not only is she a retard, she seems to be literally retarded.

How are you viewing it, snappy is failing me

Use the link to see the original image. Her replies are still up on the original post.

She deleted all mangled meth vagina pictures though

She deleted everything so I'll never get to see how mangled her body was. 😔

I’m honestly dying of curiosity

i hate being late