Teenaged girls S E E T H E at a dad for not wanting his 9-year-old daughter to have permanently bleached hair

111  2019-07-31 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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Actually on this one you can

Something tells me his ex is a vapid cunt and his offspring got the short end of the genes

Day of the Genetic modifiable Robot womb when?

The kid isn’t his. Probably a true ginger under the bleach blonde and the dad has yet to catch on. The kid probably wears coloured contacts lenses too.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Teenaged girls S E E T H E at a dad... - archive.org, archive.today

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Why does anyone on the planet post to AITA? I know this is a bait post and all, but still.

op’s: validation

commenters: woke points

Well, ya gotta get creative writing experience from somewhere.

OPs use it as entry level trolling experience, and the commenters use it as a mental illness support group.

very based explanation

She’s only 9 and her hair is fragile and if she keeps bleaching her hair and dying it all these wild colors her hair will fall out.

Is it bait or is it just retarded seething divorced fights.

But this isn't quite true. Bleach is bleach - it's harsh chemicals. Outside of the hands of trained professionals, it can be dangerous, cause burns and irreverrsible damage. There are plently of bright hair colour alternatives out there that dont use bleach, so unlesa mom's a trained hairdresser, she really shouldn't be doing this to an 9 year old. Do it to yourself, know the risks and take them, I've bleached and dyed my hair since 15, so I'm not saying don't have funky hair, I'm saying dont use harsh home bleach on an 9 year old who doesn't understand the risk (minimal as it may be) involved. Especially when there are alternatives out there

Fucking retards on this site Jez

Are they unaware that hair.... grows back?

Entire thread is full of absolute retards, I can't even imagine how dumb and lack of interaction you'd need with women to think dying your hair made it fall out.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Wow, that is a lot of suppressed "if I want to dye my hair red its MY choice MOM!" in that thread.

This guy sounds like a drama queen. Dye doesn't damage hair unless you're a complete retard about it.

Speaking of, OP: There's no such thing as "permanently bleached hair." It grows out.

He's probably referring to the product, bleach & dye is sold as permanent and temporary ye fuckin brainlet.


You ever touch a scene girls hair? It feels like straw.

Yo I found Bagelcels match

LadyTWrecks 4'11

Lol wrong thread