[EFFORT] Chris Hansen, of To Catch a Predator Fame, has gone crazy and attacked his fanbase. YouTube copyright strikes, doxxing and death threats abound.

544  2019-08-01 by jason_frg

Chris Hansen was a reporter on MSNBC and rose to prominence with his To Catch a Predator series in the mid-2000s, a show in which he would set up a sting to catch would-be pedophiles. If you've never seen the show or want to look back here is a Google drive with select episodes.

For a variety of reasons, including certainly Assistant D.A. Louis Conradt killing himself with a shot to the face as he was about to be apprehended, the show was cancelled. I'm not really sure what Chris Hansen did professionally after that, but his contract was eventually not renewed at MSNBC. He became involved in a bit of a scandal when he was caught cheating on his wife, in much the same fashion he caught pedophiles on his show. He developed a drinking problem, gained significant weight, and kind of faded.

Fast forward to a few years ago when he attempted to regain relevance by starting a kickstarter for a new show, Hansen vs. Predator. The kickstarter was successful, and one season was picked up by Crime Watch Daily and aired. The show lacked a lot of the zest that To Catch a Predator had and wasn't received as favorably. It was cancelled after one season, and I believe Crime Watch Daily folded. By the way, the people who donated to his Kickstarter never received their promised merchandise.

Fast forward to just a couple of months ago, when Chris Hansen again is trying to attain relevancy by launching a YouTube channel. Earlier in the year, he likely hit rock bottom when he was arrested for larceny after not paying for $13,000 of cheap shit he bought from some vendor. There are rumors that he is currently living in his Mom's basement (more on that in a second). However, he launched a new site, hansenvspredators.com (note the plural 'predators') which promised new footage, new stings, etc. It was a subscription-based servie that cost something like a whopping $85 per year.

Okay let's put that on hold for a second and go back to To Catch a Predator. It may seem unbelievable, or kind of funny, but there is actually still a huge fanbase for the original show. The show only lasted like 19 episodes, but people have dug up police interrogations of the pedophiles using open records requests, voice actors do chat log readings in the voice of the pedophiles, people create songs about the predators, it's a pretty interesting community. Three women got together and catfished the most famous pedophile (Lorne Armstrong) for years and posted the hundreds if not thousands of hours of phone calls with him - that's another thread for this sub! There's also a lot of in-fighting in the community, but the community is very much alive despite the show being cancelled 12 years ago.

Hansen fires the first shot

Things were going well, and everyone was happy. Fans are getting interviews, new content, and weekly Q&As with Chris Hansen. Chris Hansen was presumably making money.

But things took a dramatic turn for the worst when Chris Hansen posted this video on his channel, titled Chris Hansen Message to the underground predator followers and YouTube. It's only 38 seconds long, but I know people are averse to watching videos so I'll transcribe the video:

Hey everybody, Chris Hansen here. You know, something very bizarre and disturbing happened over the weekend. Some self-proclaimed followers of my predator investigations filed complaints on YouTube over me using my own work on my YouTube channel. So, I want them to know that I will protect my work, by copyright or any other means necessary. I also want to tell you that these people who filed the complaints actually use my material on their sites. Doesn't make sense to me either. And I hope YouTube is listening because they need to correct this situation. Doesn't make sense to me.

Seems reasonable, right? Well, the content creators have a bit of a different story to tell. It started with one - Chris Hansen harassing content creator youtube channels .

FRIENDS I COME WITH TERRIBLE NEWS!!!! CHRIS HANSEN has lost his mind and has betrayed our fanbase. He is going on a warpath and having any and all Predator related content destroyed, until only his broken channel remains. The legendary Joey's TCAP Channel and The Cappening channel (home of the Dustin McPhetridge interview) have been terminated, as well as Clobbering Time, Reborne, TCAP TV, most of Danimation, and more.

And another one. My YouTube Channel Has Been Terminated.

Then another one - I joined the suspended club

And the hits kept coming. Pretty soon ,virtually anyone who uploaded TCAP content had their YouTube shut down.

The fans are worked up into an absolute froth. One long-time posted opined that Chris Hansen is a loser

Hey it's Isaiah TCAP - Any ideas on how to retrieve/see subscribers? I still have my google account, but now I've lost hundreds of youtubers I was subscribed to. Any way I can see them via google accounts management?

It seems as though Chris Hansen was filing a copyright strike against any TCAP related content, including public domain works such as the police interrogation. The owner of the Temple of TCAP site - a guy using the name tixxx tixxx - linked above is especially raging, promising to take Hansen to court.

The channels are just suspended pending his false flag posts. Chris Hansen shows his recent arrest was no fluke. Cant wait to see his appearance in court for fraud.


He cant be that retarded. He is either on drugs or it is a planned scam like he has done before.


First priority is to win the false copyright claims he made. I never had anything to do with Hansen and have not watched any of his stuff apart from the Ambrosio interview. That he steals my stuff is in line with what we've heard from others who've dealt with him. I did not believe it until today.


A pity Hansen is insane. But I have much more money than him. Perhaps I'll hire a lawyer about the police interviews.

The owner of the site is also the one that is claiming Chris lives with his mother. I haven't found a reliable source for this.

What's worse in the mind of most content creators is Chris Hansen literally stole derivative works and public domain videos from other subscribers before filing copyright strikes, and posted them on his channel. This is apparent by intro music, title cards, and any other slight change the uploader made. Even the descriptions of the videos are completely plagiarized from the original uploader.

Twitter Nonsense and Death Threats

Chris was apparently tweeting out to his fans about this, and stirring the rabid dogs into a bit of a tizzy. I don't really use twitter so I don't know that much.

It all to a head yesterday, when someone send a death threat to a content creator.

Today I received a death threat from someone who was very upset with me. The email had my name, my address and a google google street view of my home. Where my children live.

Chris Hansen has spewed his hate on twitter, video, youtube and reddit. I guess his wacko followers are just following his lead. The email seemingly came from one of his followers.

I have no quarrel with Hansen. I have not been active since 2016 when CoC went bust. Some know me as an admin here, and my name is out there.

I consider Hansen responsible for the threats against myself and my family.

Hansen has doxxed two Canadian youtubers so far. I am a U.S. citizen and can easily be reached by the sickos who eat up his bullshit. NC is a CCW state. If I see anyone enter my property or vehicle to hurt me or my family, I will kill them.

Since I know Hansen and his creatures reads this site, I hereby consider him informed of these events.

I have spent a few hours to gather evidence on how Hansen riled up a mob against people like me. Unlike Hansen, who is unemployed and lives in his moms basement, I have a job, a family and a real life. I dont have time for his internet horseshit and expect him to calm his followers in his next twitter post.

No matter what happens, I'm going to the cops tomorrow and my wife will be calling Fox News, TMZ and any news outlet that covered Hansens past crimes.

Hansen responds

Today was the usual day for Hansen to host his Q&A. He had a special guest, someone who was victimized by an on-line predator. If you think a woman recounting how she was kidnapped and rape is an ideal time to spam Chris Hansen's YouTube chat with questions about the kickstarter, his larceny charge, his copyright strikes, and the death threats, you're apparently right.

Unfortunately, the chat was disabled on the non-live version. However Chris does go into detail about what is happening. It is typical boomer-level understanding of the Internet, including intentionally conflating legitimate copyright strikes with his illegitimate ones.

He talks for about 15 minutes on this so it's too long for me to type up, but here is the link of where it starts on today's broadcast

What's Next

It's unclear what will happen from here.

  • Presumably people are copyright striking Chris Hansen's channel en masse
  • People are fighting back against the claims, which may adversely affect Chris Hansen's channel
  • Will the victim of the death threat get to use his CCW on the perpetrator?
  • Will the owner of the Temple of TCAP file a lawsuit / press fraud charges on Chris Hansen?

All will be answered in due time.


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. [EFFORT] Chris Hansen, of To Catch ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. here is a Google drive - archive.org, archive.today

  3. kickstarter for a new show, Hansen ... - archive.org, archive.today

  4. the people who donated to his Kicks... - archive.org, archive.today

  5. Earlier in the year, he likely hit ... - archive.org, archive.today

  6. Chris Hansen Message to the undergr... - archive.org, archive.today

  7. Chris Hansen harassing content crea... - archive.org, archive.today

  8. My YouTube Channel Has Been Termina... - archive.org, archive.today

  9. I joined the suspended club - archive.org, archive.today

  10. Chris Hansen is a loser - archive.org, archive.today

  11. It all to a head yesterday, when so... - archive.org, archive.today

  12. but here is the link of where it st... - archive.org, archive.today

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My favorite Chris Hansen bit was when he first started his YouTube channel and his boomer ass literally uploaded a 144p quality video lmao


Fucking boomers

how is that even possible? you would have to go out of your way to upload a video like that

Someone shipped him the video over text message. This looks exactly like any MMS video I have ever received. You don't want your phone compressing a 1 minute long video into less than 1 megabyte.

lol it's like he recorded it with an old 90s recorder

Are we sure that blur is him?

it's crazy that the audio quality is somehow worse than the video quality lmao

That's not even 144p, that shit looks worse than 3gp format videos on my old Sony Ericsson

The comments on that post have me laughing so hard I woke up my son.

Now this is the quality content I come here for.


Idk I liked the autistic slap fights. There were just too many at once

The automod rules are obnoxious, but I can't deny the results.

If Hansen is caught with child porn, I will start attending church again.


Im sure father O'mally will be ecstatic

I honestly thought that’s where this whole post was going and I was so ready to go buy a church dress

Go buy it anyway,you need to practice looking proper you gussy 😡😡

At this point it's inevitable.

Like Christians who complain about gays and get caught in bed with a man, or feminists with a dom fetish. Some people protest a little too loudly.

He will ask himself to have a seat over there and the universe will enter a recursive loop


relevant username

Caring more about hunting youtubers than pedos

Sad. At least we have the legendary nonce hunter Shane Brannigan still fighting the good fight.


Holy shit that dude is hilarious

Also how stupid and thirsty do you have to be to fall for pedo traps lmao

Cockney thug beats up pedos. I'm surprised the videos aren't viral tbh.

And to be fair to the nonces, like half of them have actual mental deficiencies so they get baited pretty easily

ah well if they're like actual retards i feel kinda bad

Imagine the stupidest thing you ever did or thought of when you were really really horny.

Pedos are that stupid and desperate 24/7.

i was polite to a woman once

I almost got a dui driving to pick up a tinder thot at 5 am with a car full of drugs.

Yo that group has more drama than any other group in existence. They’re at war with a crazy bitch from Internet Interceptors, who literally goes to peoples houses 8 hours away and busts them in front of their families and stuff and the videos are always like an hour. Most of their shit is scrubbed from the Internet, because their dumbasses just keep making new YouTube account and expecting things to be different. Theres still a few out there though but not the treasure trove of crying pedophiles getting screamed at in public by a crazy bitch for an hour that it once was.

Wow. But it doesn't surprise me that the people bold enough to become vigilantes have mental issues of their own.

Great drama but very sobering when you realise how serious everything involved is.


But it doesn't surprise me that the people bold enough to become vigilantes have mental issues of their own.

Investigative communities are with very few exceptions always full of unstable people, whether it be gossip sites or places dedicated to true crime or pedos. Websleuths is a great example of this; in theory crowd-sourcing help on cold cases would be cool but the place is full of paranoid, hysterical nuts who've at times been caught digging through an armchair suspect du jour's garbage cans or even served restraining orders. Really makes u think

Yeah, you need something wrong or missing to latch on to horrific crimes as a coping mechanism for the tedium of your everyday life.

Also, i get the feeling these are very much "end justifies the means" type people in that who cares if you had to sucker hit someone with you mag-light who wanted to know what you where doing in the bins before screaming off into the night with your hoard of stolen food-stained junk mail stuffed down the front of your trousers.

You fucking got that junk mail and now that fucking pedo is toast once you work out what the code here is. . .

I fall asleep to crime stuff and there’s nothing wrong with it snally 😤😤

If Forensic Files then excellent taste

Already done to death. That,disappeared,random serial killer stuff,....

take that back!

My semi-estranged cousin once messaged my wee sister out of the blue asking if she could use her photos to catch nonces. The next week she was in jail for stabbing her baby daddy with a screwdriver

Is nonce-hunting the trendy new sport over there now that fox-hunting is banned?

There's probably more nonces than foxes here tbh

Exactly. If Chris actually cared about kids or victims of abuse, he'd want as many people talking about it as possible. He's a foolish old man who wants to monopolize a 15 year old meme, based on material he doesn't own.

Solid effortpost.


I want to see how this develops. Keep us updated OP.

I've been waiting for someone to do a write-up on Hansen for a while. Especially since his downfall has somehow accelerated. What a great start to my morning lmao.

He has been known somewhat for cashing bad checks and general assholery for a while now.

Seeing his mug in the Advocate on page 3 was fucking hilarious.

He also tried to pull a fast one with a podcasts expense account.

Good post, damn this guy just needs to transition and it would be over

All homophobes are homosexuals.

All male feminists are rapists

All pedophile hunters are ______

emasculated losers


Is this a political compass?

transcribed a 38 second video

Inject this fucking post into my bloodstream

Also, holy shit I never realized how Chris was doing after these years. I guess the answer is "poorly"

good effortpost op

finally some reasonable content on drama ty

A high effort post on r/drama. They need custom awards on this sub so I can give you a confederate flag or whatever.

even by the internet's standards, this is pretty fucking absurd

why are people so obsessed with this shit? I've seen the /tv/ threads and they get literally hundreds of replies. What is the psychology behind someone obsessed with honey-trapping pedos?

It was a hell of a thing, seeing morons implode their lives and for it to be re-aired on late night cable for your voyeuristic pleasure hundreds of times. It is a group we are allowed to hate openly by societÿ, so people eat it up.

Chris should have just started a show where he tracks down and screams at Ïñčėłś and MAGÄ boomers that post on their relative’s Facebœk. He woulda recouped all that money and MSNBÇ would have groveled.

It's pretty incredible to be able to watch the precise moment someone realizes their life is over as they knew it. Pinnacle of reality TV

and don't discredit the joy a cop in an unneeded ghille suit can bring to ones life

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I think that bit where even the LEO were telling him the LA city official thing was too far revealed his character. Iirc they said they were worried he was going to hurt himself and Chris was just said something along the lines of: “I don’t care” or that it would be good if he did or something. The team basically cornered the guy, chatted at him for months, and showed up after he had cancelled.

Eh, right on to Hansen for that attitude. A pedophile putting a bullet into his own head is always a good thing, just shame it didn’t happen sooner.

Good post op. Just imagine the sort of meltdowns that would've been possible over the years had the internet been around a hundred years ago. Such potential wasted

The show only lasted like 19 episodes, but people have dug up police interrogations of the pedophiles using open records requests, voice actors do chat log readings in the voice of the pedophiles, people create songs about the predators, it's a pretty interesting community.

That makes me feel deep unease.

Got something to hide? 😏

Well it's my general opinion that people who spend all their time investigating and talking about pedos (ie the Q segment of the modern right) are pedos themselves.

I'm lucky enough to be afflicted with reverse libertarianism: the closer to decrepit death, the sexier.

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You said "libertarianism", silly rabbit.

Aw, poops. Well I said:

Well it's my general opinion that people who spend all their time investigating and talking about pedos (ie the Q segment of the modern right) are pedos themselves.

I'm lucky enough to be afflicted with reverse lolbertardtarianism: the closer to decrepit death, the sexier.

I un-deleted it before messaging you. Now it'll look like you're schizophrenic because you're explaining a post everyone can see.

Now it'll look like you're schizophrenic

This happens to me more than I'd like to admit.

If you're going to start blowing up credit card companies, can you give us all a head's up? I wanna know when to splash out.

I got you, dude.

The necromatriarchy, natural enemy of lolbertarians.

In high school I would study while having the 24 hour TCAP stream in the background. It's some good content. Something cathartic about watching people throw their lives away.

Something cathartic about watching people throw their lives away.

You're not wrong, man. I usually put timelapse nature or road trip videos on in the background, maybe some schadenfreude would help fuel my productivity.


damn, that was a legit great dramapost, but man please post a meme shitting on lawlz, a picture of your cat or even just a crappy macro, that much effort at once is bound to have an impact on your soul

He never cared about the children, all he cared anout was fame, money and his ego. Anyone choosing a career in media and entertainment is like that.


Does he even own the IP? I bet NBC does which makes this even crazier.

This isn't boys supporting boys

I was at a funeral where he was the eulogizer. It was weird because everyone was like, “Wait...is that the predator guy?!?”

Please share this story?

I knew his sister (didn’t realize they were related until he showed up at the funeral) and brother-in-law. When the BIL died unexpectedly, Chris Hansen did the eulogy. It was actually really nice once we got over the shock lol.

That’s a really cool story. The world is pretty small.

Wow. Thanks for this post and all the work you put into this!

I followed crime watch daily for awhile and .... the quality of the content was just a bit cheesy. Not only that the editing but the comments by the investigators almost came off as making light of really sad, horrific crimes. The sound effects, the lame ass puns. I felt guilty watching it sometimes because it was just so... idk. Lacked tact and integrity.

Keep us updated OP. This is probably gonna get messy.



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Effort post. Not disappointed.

I watched some of that Hansen vs Predator show. It was ok, but you didn’t get creeps of all stripes the way you used to. Now there all just borderline retarded NEETs. He used to get pastors and bankers and shit.

So it’s seems tracking lolcows eventually makes you one.


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can we ignore everything but the wrinkly face that was the point

also thats some lazy ass keyword shit lol

My favorite one is when Hansen catches the Rabbi pedo multiple times



from what im hearing, im against hansen except for that doxxing shit. you can't blame him for what his fans do unless he tells his fans to do that. blaming hansen for that is bitch nigga shit

It was actually Hansen or someone on his team that did it. Blame goes to him.

even then, have you ever had a bitch friend who did weirdo shit out of nowhere?

The true Chris isn't the person, it's the symbol. Batman was an extremely flawed individual but he represented something much greater. I'm not bothered by Hansen's personal failings, because to me he will always be a paragon of making pedophiles shit their pants on live tv, which I fully support.


i love all effortposters

Hey! I can confirm this is true. My channel is in a weird place. Chris copyright striked seven of my videos in a matter of minutes, 4 of them were of me reading a book in my room, and the other 3 were me drawing. I sent numerous appeals to YouTube until they agreed Chris's claims are bogus. Now Chris has less than 10 days to bring me to court, or all my penalties are reversed. Im sure there are other people doing this as well, and obviously Chris can not win this fight so he is in total damage control mode, restoring channels and content - HOWEVER, he's only allowing videos that don't criticize him. What the reverse of the penalties on my account will do to Chris, if anything, I don't know, but he has revealed his true colors. He is a snake and will always be a threat to fair use legal parody as long as he has a YouTube presence.

Some are saying Chris Hansen is doing this for profit...what profit? TCaP is a niche market. It will never again appeal to the masses after all these years. He could have scared up a few bucks serving new content for that niche market, but he instead chose to anger about 99% of anyone who would ever give him money.

What a dumbass.

Counterpoint: my wife got me a cameo from him for 50 dollars to congratulate me on a promotion at work, and he responded with the video an hour after she paid. That's a pretty incredible turn around time.

As my mother says, even a stopped clock is right two times a day. Chris Hansen might have done you a solid but his handling of this situation has been less than sterling. A number of good people who have been supporting him be keeping the TCAP torch lit, have had their hard work deleted from YouTube and gotten strikes that could put their accounts in jeopardy.

I like Chris Hansen but his actions were so not cool and I am very disappointed in him.

To clear something up, I struck Hansen with a copyright claim first. When he created his HVP youtube channel, he downloaded a video I had created, then reuploaded it to his channel. He did the same with at least two other tcap fans.

After being lied to repeatedly about new content coming, the horrible quality of his channel, and the scamming nature of his website, I decided I no longer wanted a video I had created to be featured on his channel. I reported the HVP channel for having a video that belonged to me, which I had originally uploaded back in 2017.

Chris then attacked my channel with 3 copyright strikes and blocked me. He struck videos that didn't even have a second worth of tcap content on them. Fans of tcap were upset and voiced their opinions.

The strikes were later retracted against me. The hate from fans continued on his page and I believe this is when he was hit with another strike from another youtuber that Chris stole a video from. This is when Chris went full on bat shit crazy and struck every single video on youtube whether it contained tcap content or not.

