AHS Mayo literally posts this unironically"What is the deal with people coming and complaining about a subreddit they do not have to visit?"

132  2019-08-01 by PoopShowPass


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. AHS Mayo literally posts this uniro... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy you can't talk about that


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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god damnit

Lmao why is the user Be11eAr1el even political. Just thought it was lolcow

it's not her name

they banned certain words that i used because they don't want poli-tical bickering on here

Fucking bats oof

it's not a horrible policy but sometimes it's annoying because i'm obviously not trying to be poli-tical here but rather just describe that the mod is a fraud hypocrite but the automod got me

Nah I think its a good chang3 for a week tbh. Jannies here are ok

lol it's BelleAriel

that "anti-fas-cist" power mod who turned out to be a junkie tr-ump supporter

goddamnit automod i'm not trying to discusss poli-tics just describing this girl lol

She seems to be keeping out of the limelight recently. We need more of her shit on here.

Someone on the private jannie discord/slack/IRC/chaturbate needs to go and poke her with a stick until more drama comes out.

Losing pinging really hurt us. Belle is a top tier lolcow

Daily reminder that the SRDines won

The ZweiRama won

u mean ducksrama

cope frenchcel. perhaps we shall invade through the ardennes for the third time in a century.

Belle very rarely responded to pings and pinging her is really unnecessary because she checks this sub religiously

why the odd dashes

Certain polo-tical words and phrases are temporarily banned here

oh right, i forgot

jannies 😒


Not even once.

Wasn't there a bunch of drama a while back about the network of "MarchAgainst_" subs? I seem to remember something about one user with multiple alts cranking out every conceivable iteration of these subs and spamming them with ". Upvote this so that it's the first image on Google you see when you search for ___".

yeah that was barawo33 may god rest his soul

well, BelleAriel, the mod linked to in this post was posted about a lot here.

I'm convinced many mods on this site have mental illness. The amount of extremes they go to, to create, manipulate and make monopolies cannot be classes other than mental illness. And they do it for fREEEEEE

God I wanna ping so bad
