Holocaust records released on r/news, goofy and somewhat unintelligible slapfights ensue

47  2019-08-01 by unrulyfarmhand


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Holocaust records released on r/new... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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When it comes to conspiracy theories, I can't remember if they filmed the fake Holocaust on the Moon or they filmed the fake Moon landing during the Holocaust.

Idk but both were stanley kubricks idea

The holocaust happened in Waco in 1993 I believe.

Kubrick tried to film a holocaust fake but Spielberg stole his idea, like a jew



No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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If anyone is untermensch, it's Holocaust deniers

Ohhhhh neva again!

Uh uuuhhh sista! Neva agin no mo!

I'll put $5 this leads to someone prominent getting caught lying about their family having been a victim at some point.

As long as they secured the bag

The thing about /pol/ is that holocaust denial was always brainlet tier. If they were willing to give into Russian propaganda pics manipulated during WW2, I could never take them seriously.

/pol/ is always brainlet tier.
