/r/polyamory photo discusses ethics in relationship age gaps

102  2019-08-02 by EasySchmitty


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Ya it’s a real thing. I get smelly so much quicker now that I’m fat. I compensate by showering way more


... wow

nah i'm serious. it's something i feel skinny people don't really know because most fatties are oblivious to their own smell or too embarrassed to admit it.

but ya there really has been a correlation between smelliness and fatness for me

Lift up the flap of a fatty and you'll find a bustling ecosystem of mold, bacteria, and lichens. It's breathtaking.


Baby's first facial hair and two grandmothers

What a trio

Heya! So I’m in the black dress thing, and I’m 19, my girlfriend is 21, and my boyfriend is 21. Largest age gap is just under 2 years!

Mayos be like “Why yes I’m 18 and wrinkly and rickety how could you tell?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

These have to be bongs

They're West Michigan people 🤢


I don’t want to sound like a mayo gussy, but... oof.

What the fuck. I refuse to believe them.

Well how does the math work. Is it just straight addition? Like two 4’s become one 8? Or is it just the average so two 4’s are just a 4. Or is there some multiplication like it’s two chicks which is cooler than one chick so it’s like the average times 1.2 so it’s like a 4.8?

I think it equals vomit


Intuitively, we know that 2 6s is better than 1, so it can't be an average. I think there's a multiplier applied to the average but it is going to be related to personal taste, based on where you fall on the r/k socio-sexual spectrum. This multiplier would be somewhere between 1 and infinity.

With two 8s it would feel like multiplication. with two 4s it’s like division. You have to add all the hassle of living with two other people and the drama of polyamory.

Just jerk it off.

You have to take the average and then map the 10 scale onto a (-5,5) scale, then multiply by 1+(n/2) where n is the number of partners.

...I'd rather be single.

Hug your signifigant others extra tight tonight.

If they love cats and cook real good fuck it I’d take two fatties if I were single

More like oversharing fuckin ed buttered toast looking ass

eat poop mr catgirlfriend

if i could retain my ability to speak and drink alcohol i'd turn into a cat in a heartbeat

two of my cats are fat fucks that literally just sleep and lay down all day but they can still jump like ten feet. it's like being a pro athlete with no effort.

I'll hug my wifu pillow


That looks like it’s a Russian kid on graduation day posing for a family photo with his typical Russian mom and aunt (dad died of liver failure from alcoholism obviously).

Nah, this is all ‘Murica, Russians aren’t obese

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Obesity is not political, fam

Are there any attractive poly “couples?”

I’m 19, my girlfriend is 21, and my boyfriend is 21

That just makes this even more disgusting then if the two hags were older.

Yeah, it tells you how disgusting their lifestyle actually is.

They're lying about their age, right?


Obesity can make you appear older than you are.


Has there ever been one polyamory families that are attractive

There probably was at least one good-looking sheik + harem.

Mormons are pretty attractive.

Yes we just don't post in that sub because it's so fucking horrible. We stick to quality subs like drama


Imagine trying to sleep between these two and their CPAP machines.


Rare color picture of the Titanic and Olympic in harbor together

Heya! So I’m in the black dress thing, and I’m 19, my girlfriend is 21, and my boyfriend is 21. Largest age gap is just under 2 years!

aged like a fine milk

How can the incel look at this and still maintain his inferiority complex

True, if anything results mayocide, it’s this lifestyle

Exceedingly easy I imagine: the guy is relatively good looking and had to settle with these 19 going on 45 creatures, what options do guys with actual physical deformities have?

This picture should cure any lingering desire for gussy and convince the incel of the mgtowwom brown pill truth

Ah, truuuu

He has the chance to get two wives and both of them are land whales

Heya! So I’m in the black dress thing, and I’m 19, my girlfriend is 21, and my boyfriend is 21. Largest age gap is just under 2 years!

Wow fat really does age you