It's over for jannycels (me)

54  2019-08-02 by Nom_Chompy


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. It's over for jannycels (me) -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Wow. Et tu, Shillfren?

Everyone donate pls. Even just a dollar can help own the neolibs!

Uh is that poli-tics talk?


Mod me so I can remove your no no comment please

Someone suggest $10k donation to get modded. But that's up to the other mods now.

Jesus Iā€™m not notch dude

I can afford like ten bucks


We all have it comin' sooner or later.

I thought this was the link at first, surely.

If only there was a mod pizzashill again option.

lmao. I was the one who both modded and unmodded him. Good times.

How does one become a mod here? Just shitpost 24/7?

Yeah I guess so. Just hang around forever and swear allegiance to the bussy or platty or what have you.

The demodding of cdace was an affront to the dinosaurs and disservice to all dramatards. People need to be warned of their imminent consumption


I was top mod for a while, but I said a gamer word and got promoted back to approved subshitter.


This kills the Hodor

If you send annarchist unsolicited dickpics for long enough you will get a mod spot

What about unsolicited cat pics

Won't work


The destruction would be glorious

Well, now what will you do?

Prob delete my account and try and get a life. Only to come crawling back in a week or two.

This is basically Drama Groundhog's Day description.

Good luck with the first day of the rest of your life.


Get rekt. Now you can stop being a loser ;)