Angry hooker apologist derides men who want to get laid the honorable way saying they are poor losers who can't afford prostitutes - Autists join en-masse to weigh the pros and cons

19  2019-08-02 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Angry hooker apologist derides men ... -,,

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Lol make 50k an spend 25k on hookers per year. Solid financial decision for sure.

well isn't the red pill all about being alphas that make 6+ figures?

I make 85k and spend like about 5k on hookers per year. This makes me feel financially responsible.

Where do you find them now that backpage shut down

You bougie fuck you should be doing more to support the labor (emotional and otherwise) of women with your unearned capital.

>Using prostitutes is like hunting at a game farm. There's no satisfaction to be gained.

now i feel sad about using a hooker

depends why you need to see the hooker really

Yeah I paid, but also I know what it’s like to stick my dick in a model with 36DD’s. I feel like that’s worth something. Mostly it feels like your dick is in a really warm hole.

Well crafted bait. I rate it an 8/10

I wish there was a "filter by SSRI use" option on that thread. All these people talking about how they don't enjoy sex and its all about the validation. Like WTF, are we living in a post-orgasmic society?