Tony Hawks does a gnarly 360 degree dogslide

117  2019-08-02 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Tony Hawks does a gnarly 360 degree... -,

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Small dogs are no different then manlets. The world is better now that we have one less speed bump.

my personal philosophy on dogs is that any dog that would lose a fight to a cat (basically anything smaller than a beagle) doesnt deserve to live

Agreed. I literally know one small dog thats chill and he's like 10 years old, so I mean theres always an outlier, but yeah small dogs suck.

That's because their owners treat them like accessories. The dog doesn't know it's small. It just wants to run around and do dog stuff, fetch balls and shit, but their owners don't let them. Stuff a great Dane into a purse for half his life and he'll turn into a pissed-off, antisocial piece of shit too.

imagine your greatx1000 ancestor was a majestic gray wolf and you’re a fucking pug that can barely breathe and whose googly eyes cant stay in their sockets

small dogs were a mistake and anytime i see some guy walking his girlfriend’s yorkie i judge hard

We'd be better either breeding small dogs out of existance or exterminating the little rats. Any dog under 25 pounds is useless, and that includes lawls little ball of dandruff.

Are you sure that lawlz' pet is even a dog?

Bruh its a racoon


Yorkies are all right. They're just the right combination of being tiny and being able to shut the fuck up when they need to.

May I ask why? It's not the dogs fault it is small and they don't harm anyone. I mean I get it if you think they are ugly, but why do you think they deserve Harm?

perhaps not harm but they should all be sterilized along with any straight male that owns one


Because they are haram

A lot of big dogs would lose fights to cats or other small animals. Without a strong reason to fight, most big animals would rather just stay out of the way of a small critter while it spergs out. Think of it as the same way humans act around wasps.

What a bunch of psychos, wtf

They raise a fair point though

I skimmed through the top submission and it's basically cat ladies seething lmao

my people

my people

la creatura

Ligga he almost died himself

A normal person would feel bad for the dog even in that case. But this is dogfree lmao

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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It's always spicier to feel nothing

If it dog can die from getting caught under a skateboard, it didnt really deserve to live nor was it really a dog in the first place

A normal person

Let's not pretend anyone on reddit is okay.

The world wouldn't miss a dogfree poster.

Small dogs are useless animals. That thing would have been eaten by a coyote anyways if it was getting out. At least he gave it a RADICAL death

Finally a story with a happy ending

It's a shame it wasn't a pibble he killed, then we could have modded this man

There's no way he could have killed a pibble that way. A free roaming pibble would have killed him instead.

Unless he managed to hit the pibble at just the right angle to snap the neck. But yes, otherwise, the pibble would have torn him apart.

Pibbles truly are the apex predators in urban settings, like Great Whites are in the ocean and white bears are in Arctic.

Except that sharks and polar bears are beautiful creatures made by Nature. Pibbles should not exist.

pitbulls > rat dogs

I put my headphones in and lay on the grass for the cops to show up. While I'm laying there listening to RATM she has the nerve to tell me to get her dead dog out of the street. I turn my music up.

Closest we'll have to actual visual confirmation that this guy is a little edgy emo fag.

Imagine not setting your fictional skater story to this song. Omg kids these days.

360 degree dogslide

this really brightened my morning, thanks

That was her lover 😡 💦🐩


yelling and crying at me in spanish

Not sure about it this time. She isnt a mayo foid

Though it pains me to admit, Spaniards do count as white.

yeah but what about tacos?

the truest story that ever truly happened, truly

Certainly true and extremely heterosexual

indubitably factual and entirely straight

title game on point OP

not pressing charge on the foid

Fucking poser. You can't call yourself dog free until you pressed charge on a foid as you killing her dog hurt you.

Amazing title op. Amazing. I lold irl.