It's a titanic battle of retardation as AHS comes to cry in WatchRedditCrys safe space. Tantrums in almost every thread

49  2019-08-02 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. It's a titanic battle of retardatio... -,,

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Real talk, is anonymous and consequence free communication between individuals really just impossible once you reach a certain size? Or is it just impossible to monetize?

Little bit of A, whole lot of B. Money is almost always the driving factor, but once the communication reaches a certain amount of people they tend to tribalize and tear each others throats out anyways, so the money stops mattering as much

The people running those communities also probably change their mind about 'everything goes' once they see the consequences of it.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Damnit bot, it's about ethics in tribalism!

Creating and enforcing level handed, fair rules is almost impossible. Doing so at scale is impossible.

Such as? I mean yeah the law shit is annoying. It’s why moot,hot wheels and myutwo had such tough times.,but what else besides I guess kid porn would be bad?

Impossible to monetize? Almost absolutely except in the crudest possible ways. Impossible to operate/maintain? No, but it's quite difficult. That's mostly because of specific populations. YOu've got your complete nutbags (think: Darqwolf), your bad actors/human beings (Laurelai, BelleAriel) and then complete normies who have lost any ability to absorb new information, and think that their internal mental model of the world is 100% accurate.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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fuck this overzealous gay automod

When will we combat the janny menance

A crowded society is a restrictive society.

r/AHS has never even slightly condoned "brigading". That's just the excuse you "free speech warriors" cling to so you can whinge about and ban people people with dissenting opinions - while shrieking how much you care about- your frozen peaches.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I read this and immediately thought it had to be a jannie

Only a jannie could be so throughly repulsive 🤮


And my penis is a lesbian. 🤑


>while shrieking how much you care about- your frozen peaches


Imagine not only using a meme from 2013 in 2019, but using one that is nothing more than a dumb rhyme. Not even a pun, but a rhyme. It takes a lot to be as pathetic as a KiAcel writing a manifesto on the legality of loli, but AHS does a fantastic fucking job of it.

Some Stonetoss comics are pretty funny, even if you’re not a nazi

i like that he predicted the burger king thing

Piece of art. A literal work of pure art. An Anti-Semite just came out looking more superior than his detractors. How can one man be so based?

Wait till you hear about my boy Caravaggio, patron saint of r/Drama