Drama brewing in the Kenshi game sub as a 13%=50% shitpost meme about (((sheks))) triggers accusations of racism within the community

69  2019-08-02 by El_Guero_Alto


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Drama brewing in the Kenshi game su... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Lol no it didn't

You'd have to be a retard to play as a shek anyway. Which would be fitting, because their specialty is literally retard strength.

They're shit at everything except combat and half the factions in the game tolerate them at best and hate them at worst.

At least being a bugman has the justification of playing the game on hardmode, sheks don't even get that excuse.

Ha ha ha, you are dumb. "I am a big virgin, I don't play Shek" <-- you.

I play bugman because I'm trying to approach Chadness from the other side.

If you're prince/warrior instead of drone you're an even bigger faggot than if you played shek.

You play bugman for the hardmode aspect of it, playing price/warrior is half-assing hardmode. If you're gonna hardmode at least go balls deep.

No, of course I don't play it for the hardmode aspect. I didn't even know it was hardmode. I am single-minded, my friend, in my pursuit of Chadness. I am what you might call an experimenter, or maybe even something of a mad genius. I am attempting to break past what I have called the virgin-incel continuum (whether there is a difference is a matter of hot debate, but, ultimately, purely academic) and thus loop around back to a theorised maximum Chad.

No fucking clue what any of that is but I'm assuming it is good meme

Cant ping and can't even argue with these retards in the thread. Drama is a blueballs subreddit now.

Sheks are good at one thing, slavery. No not owning slaves but being slaves.

The guy explaining why it’s incorrect is saying the “50” is violent crime, when it’s actually homicide. Very sneaky.

I mean is the 13/50 thing a lie?