Mayos and their dogs smh

23  2019-08-02 by Ghdust2


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Mayos and their dogs smh -,,

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Anyone that hurts my cats deserves an eternity in hell

some of my favorite posts are the ones that talk really tough about what they'd do if someone ever hurt their cat

I wonder if this mayo will have a change of heart when some dumbass half-brained dog runs underneath his car wheels and is charged with manslaughter.

To be fair babies are like worse dogs so honestly you should get a tax credit for running over someone's kid

Especially if its mayo

Dear mayo shitheads,


I know you like them better because they're too fucking stupid to understand that you're an absolute fuckup and are therefore unable to properly understand why you should be ridiculed, but that doesn't make their lives as valuable as human lives. Most other cultures seem to have realized this, but you are fucking idiots with no sense of perspective. Please self-mayocide soon.



Whites are the superior race

OP is a retarded because murdering three year olds is legal in the US if you use a car. the kid had it coming-US Legal System edition

Mildly warm take: both situations shouldnt be punished