Are you being serious /r/Drama?

52  2019-08-02 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

You can't be serious right now. Seriously? I can't believe you seriously did that thing! Be serious this is a joke right? That thing was seriously the only reason I came here.

Sorry for the seriouspost. I'm just mad they did that thing.


I’ve been meaning to ask: when you commented “huh” on the update post about Mt. Bussy, what were you reacting to?

It's a polite way to let the other person know you heard and understood them but you don't have anything to add to to the conversation.

Thank you.






Yikes a racist. Cancelled.



I want to take this opportunity to say a bunch of words that the rest of you are not allowed to say.

  • Libertarian
  • Tankies
  • Extremist
  • Republicans
  • Democrats
  • Fascist
  • Chapo
  • Bernie
  • AOC
  • Tulsi
  • Mueller
  • Trump
  • Communist
  • Commie
  • Boomer + Worst
  • Millennial + Worst
  • Globalists
  • Impeach
  • Whataboutism
  • Fox News
  • Lib​ertarian
  • Tan​kies
  • Ext​remist
  • Rep​ublicans
  • Dem​ocrats
  • Fas​cist
  • Ch​apo
  • Be​rnie
  • A​OC
  • Tu​lsi
  • Mu​eller
  • Tru​mp
  • Comm​unist
  • Comm​ie
  • Boo​mer + W​orst
  • Mille​nnial + W​orst
  • Globa​lists
  • Imp​each
  • Wh​ataboutism
  • F​ox N​ews

And I didn't even save $150 worth of African children

I mean it was $125 worth of nets and I'm not sure what the exchange rate of Nets/African Children.

It was worth it for me though. I had those cyber-shekels just sitting around from a cointip on another account from like 8-9 years ago. And now I don't have to deal with the most annoying thing on this sub besides Lawlz

masterlawlz more like masterGODz

Spending $150 to "achieve" this... Does it unironically make you proud?

Where’s your $150?

In my bank account.

Brave of you to assume I have 150

That’s right. I just assumed your tender

I mean, I used cyber-shekels I got a long time ago for it so yeah.

*so thats why i keep getting my comments blacked

You forgot tiananmen square+1989

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

You can't be serious right now. Seriously?

Yes this is serious.

I can't believe you seriously did that thing!

The thing was seriously done.

Be serious this is a joke right?

It is seriously not a joke.

That thing was seriously the only reason I came here.

It's a shame that the thing was the only serious reason you came here.

Sorry for the seriouspost.

Apology accepted.

I'm just mad they did that thing.

I'm sorry that you are mad.

This is Dr Seuss level shit right here.