Literally one word triggers off a chain reaction spergfest from breadtube bussylovers

148  2019-08-03 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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  1. Literally one word triggers off a c... -,,

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So many leftoids saying "yikes" unironically makes me wish for Nixon's ghost to be the next president. It's time to bring back actual McCarthyism.

taking anything wisconsinoids say seriously

Don’t compare Tricky Dick to that dumbass

I had a look at the c0ntrapoints sub the other day...


If I see the word """mouthfeel""" again, I'm going to shoot someone.

I had a look at the c0ntrapoints sub


Wait they actually the word ?

Speak English.

Wait they actually say the word ? The word being mouth feel.

Yeah, they talk about it all the time.

they talk about it all the time.

Why ? And what do they discuss ?

Because they think troid dicks have a different mouthfeel from normal dicks.

They think troids have a "feminine penis" while males have a "masculine penis".

So if you suck on a troid dick, it feels different.

Its really just a way for Contrafans to larp about how thirsty they are for troids.

Oh wow, these people get to vote and are keen to do so.


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Chappies don't vote lol


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Not if the right people were in charge they wouldnt

R u mad cuz u have a cute little fem penis

Not really. Just find contrapoints retarded.

I bet it’s a cute little penis

U gay sorry

Uh how is that gay

and ur penis is lil and cute

ma'am it's a little early in the day to be this drunk

I feel equal parts awesome and awful

it's Saturday. fuck it

What the fuck is a troid??

I was going to ask if you were joking or not, but then I checked and found you're a """competitive fortnite""" player.


Tell you what, I'll tell you what a troid is and I won't report you (newfags get banned) if you tell me how you found this place?

lol go ahead and report me I don’t care, my friend showed me this sub and I’ve been lurking for about a year, the dumpster fires this sub leads me to are top notch.

Fortnite gay 😎👄

Interesting. You have good taste. Well, sort of.

To know what a troid is, you need to know what a foid is.

A foid is what incels call women. The implication is that women are robots and are unfeeling.

People here aren't incels (obv), we just adopted the terminology.

Now, a troid is transgender person who is a woman. Thus we replaced "f" with "tr". Pretty simple really.

There's moids as well, which is just men.

Jeez, shoulda known what I was getting into. Thanks nonetheless lol.

The whole incel thing is maximum cringe

Incels are some of the best memers on reddit, even if they are subhuman.


NP about the advice.

Your not cool enough to comment here man keep lurking. One more year and a black friend and then try and comment again


Its only cringe when someone has to explain it. Otherwise its pretty funny as long as you're not taking it seriously.

They think it a funny meme.

I'm aware of that. It doesn't mean they don't use it as a bad meme.

they don't use it as a bad meme.

Well, I didn't know that, fucking retards.

Feel mouth


Xir can't help but sperg out.

How can someone not tell that's bait

People have literally lost arguments to bots on this site. Don't underestimate the autism on reddit

Breadtards, enough said.

Its called. LITERALLY. BEING. A DECENT. catches breath. HUMAN BEING!

Why do people hate him 😥😩😭 ?!?!

because he tried entering the breadtube sphere by making a contrapoints fellation video.

Good 👍👍.

I unsubscribed from some retard two weeks ago named Quinton reviews

He's been on a downward spiral for months now. He's bought a male sex doll this week, "for a video" apparently. I think he's just gay curious though tbh.

It started when his closest friend went in to the military. He was the only reason his videos were funny and now Quintons trying to be friends with breadtube.

Wtf we need to mod this guy.

Yes, imagine the drama he can bring in...

I wish we had pinging again. He could be here right now. 😥

You never know what you had until it's gone 😢.


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I've never seen a chain of users that got so upset


all political youtubers are bad go watch gus johnson or vinesauce instead

For people who so often call shit propaganda, these retards sure get upset when you insult their favorite correctthink™️ distributor.

This actually kind of strenghtens my theory in that a bunch of programmers working on AI technology use Reddit accounts to learn speech and what not. Read all the replies, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one person on 10 accounts. Imagine getting angry at the NPC meme when you literally act like one.


Yikes. Oof. This ain’t it, chief. You’re cancelled, sweetie.

Yeah, I guess I can't be taken seriously by you guys unless I put on a wig, wear makeup, and cut my dick off.

That guy is bringing the bantz. Bravo

ContraPoints no longer has a bussy, but a trussy.

Wtf is breadtube


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It's like these people are trying really hard to give Daddy 4 more trms.

They really want to make f*scism great again.

Big mouthfeel from the ball bags working for Yikes.

“I may be a cuckhold but at least I’m on the right side of history”

Lmao I saw a comment like this but can’t find it now. Can someone find it for me? It was the most hilarious shit. Imaging being a coping cuck

At least /r/cuckold users aren’t on the wrong side of history repeating mistakes the rest of the world has already won destined to be judged harshly in the future by our descendants for fucking up the progress of mankind moving backwards clinging to a past that wasn’t even great.

at least they agree politically with me!!

My fucking sides.

At least /r/cuckold users aren’t on the wrong side of history repeating mistakes the rest of the world has already won destined to be judged harshly in the future by our descendants for fucking up the progress of mankind moving backwards clinging to a past that wasn’t even great.

At least they agree politically with me!!!

My fucking sides.